I've had my frog for roughly over a month now and the past three days he/she has a white/cream fuzzy looking film over it's back left foot, as well as 3 of the toes on that foot are completely white. I thought he/she was just shedding so didn't worry too much the first couple of days, but it hasn't faded and gentle rubbing with a q-tip wasn't removing the fuzzy film. I have now removed it from the tank so in case it is a fungus and put it in a seperate tank. He/she still acts normal, sits at the bottom, swims around aside from that foot not expanding, eats normal, comes up for air and dives just fine. My other frog and fish in the tank are fine, but to be on the save side I did a deep clean of the tank yesterday when I took it out, boiling all of the rocks and decor to kill off anything.