African Butterfly Not Eating


Jul 16, 2013
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It's just staying in one corner and not eating. I've tried pellets, freeze dried bloodworm and live bugs. Last time he ate was 4 days ago I think he will die in the next couple of days. Donno why this is happening. Water is fine no ammonia or nitrites. The only thing that's changed is my background poster that I had to empty tank to around 4 inch of water to move it . Most of the water went back in and was all done in an hour. Physically the fish has no damage and is breathing normally. It's colour remains the same. He dosnt move around unless I go near it.
African Butterfly fish tend to just skulk about the surface in a preferred sheltered spot. They are not like guppies and other mad dashing fish that demand food the instant you go near the tank.
From memory butterfly fish as well as being ambush predators, also do a lot of their eating at night. Do you have other fish in the tank such as guppies that could be dropping fry that the butterfly fish is eating under cover of darkness?
If the African Butterfly is still refusing to eat and it has not had access to possible tank mates as food, I would try and get my hands on mosquito wrigglers, these will drop down to the bottom of the tank when first put in there but will soon return to the surface to breath and this is where the African Butterfly fish will eat them if they interest it.
Baccus said:
African Butterfly fish tend to just skulk about the surface in a preferred sheltered spot. They are not like guppies and other mad dashing fish that demand food the instant you go near the tank.From memory butterfly fish as well as being ambush predators, also do a lot of their eating at night. Do you have other fish in the tank such as guppies that could be dropping fry that the butterfly fish is eating under cover of darkness?If the African Butterfly is still refusing to eat and it has not had access to possible tank mates as food, I would try and get my hands on mosquito wrigglers, these will drop down to the bottom of the tank when first put in there but will soon return to the surface to breath and this is where the African Butterfly fish will eat them if they interest it.
No fry in tank, still haven't seen it eat ill try to get some mosquito. Thanks.

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