No idea about stores, but I have kept a pair of ABF. They really are best alone; they will eat (or grab on to) any fish at or near the surface. And you may be surprised at how large the mouth is; the lower half of the front of the fish drops down and it can get a decent size fish easily. I learned the hard way.
Lower fish like substrate fish (cories, whiptails, pleco) are usually safe. Congo Tetra should be, as they are mid-level fish. But your tank is not sufficient sp[ace for this large a fish.
Speaking of space, what is the surface area (length and width)?
ABF must have plants, with some open space, or they will be severely stressed. They are ambush predators; they remain motionless--and I mean just that, you would think they are not alive but fake ornaments the way they remain motionless...until something at the surface causes them to charge into motion, and they can be quick. They also jump, mine jumped out a couple times during water changes, but if this should happen when you're not there, it could be game over. So very well covered, and thick floating plants like Water Sprite (ideal).