Advise On Fertilizers And Leds To Ensure I Don't Cause A Algae Out


Aug 24, 2011
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isle of skye highlands
Hey folks,
this is my first planted tank its taken me months to get it looking the way i want. i have just upgraded my t5's to 120w cree leds and wanted to get some advise on how to best avoid covering my new plants in algae .
tank is just under 400 litres and just over 4 feet long
filtered by fx6 with diy spray bar 
4 ft 120w cree led light system on 13 hours a day
dosing seachem flourish comprehensive fertilizer once a week 
root tabs under each of the larger plants 
6 moss balls as i read they can help absorb algae as thats basically what they are made from ?
3x amazon swords
1x hygrophila pinnatifida
1x hygrophila polysperma - indian swampweed
1x alternanthera reineckii red
1x hygrophila siamensis
1x echinodorus green chameleon
4x anubias minima
4x java fern 
from my research they dont "need co2" injected but should i consider it ?
co2 tablets are pretty good if you put the right amount in also cheap
*falls out of chair* *breathing heavily* *dies*
Yea your good 2 go buddi, lol
your aquaria an I think I said this before is really well designed and is pretty as all get out!1!1!!1!11!!!11!
I don't think you NEED Co2 for any of those plants, always helps but you don't need it :L growth may not be as fast. I don't use Co2 in any of my tanks due to the lack of information I get about it and because I cant find anywhere that isn't online that sells them :) so yea :(
But yea all should be find i'd get something like Flourish some root tabs and shove those in there and stuff like that maybe some ferts if you want. should be good :) good luck
BettaBettas said:
*falls out of chair* *breathing heavily* *dies*
Yea your good 2 go buddi, lol
your aquaria an I think I said this before is really well designed and is pretty as all get out!1!1!!1!11!!!11!
I don't think you NEED Co2 for any of those plants, always helps but you don't need it :L growth may not be as fast. I don't use Co2 in any of my tanks due to the lack of information I get about it and because I cant find anywhere that isn't online that sells them
so yea

But yea all should be find i'd get something like Flourish some root tabs and shove those in there and stuff like that maybe some ferts if you want. should be good
good luck
thanks for your kind words :) id rather not use co2 and im not bothered about growth i just want them to stay healthy looking :) i have some root tabs in now and im dosing flourish once a week :)

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