Advise Guys


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
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Hi guys,

Don't hate me! I know I keep posting for advise and I'm sorry but everyone has been so helpful! I am continuing with my cycling but I needed to ask a quick question, ammonia, it's still at 1ppm after 2 weeks of daily water changes, nirite is 0, nitrate is 25ppm, ph is 7, temp is 26, 125l tank (6weeks old today). Currently have 4 mollies, 4 neon tetra and 4 guppies (1M/3F). I'm using a API liquid test kit. I've tested the water out of the tap today and it is showing as 0.25ppm Ammonia!! How on earth can I lower my ammonia to 0 with that in the tap water? Confused :$ Plus I have a mollie who looks about to die, she is breathing but lying on the bottom of the tank not swimming, she swims when you encourage her but this is obviously not good! Help....advice....anything! Thank you! x
I would suggest you switch to Seachem Prime as your dechlorinator. That 'locks up' ammonia so it won't hurt your fish but it can still be used by your filter. Once your filter is cycled and you're doing weekly water changes, that level of ammonia will soon be eaten by the bacteria, and won't be at a high enough level to hurt your fish with normal, 25-50% water changes.

As for the levels in your tank; you need to do more, or larger, water changes to get that level down. Obviously you won't be able to get it lower than 0.25ppm, if that's what your tap water is, but that level will be far less harmful to fish than anything higher.
Thanks for that Flutter!

I've added seachem (which I brought today along with my liquid API test kit) and have just tested again (2 hours after adding as advised) ammonia in the tank is now at 0.25ppl.....hoping this is more managable for my fish whilst the filter continues to cycle. Thanks once again xx
The ammonium, that the Prime binds the ammonia into, still shows up on the ammonia test but it shouldn't be harmful to your fish now :good:

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