Advice On Gravid Gourami (Pearl)


Mostly New Member
Jun 17, 2013
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Hey all. Advice needed if possible. I have a very very heavily pregnant Gourami (Aquired a breeding pair wasnt expecting it but wanted some Gouramis as 1 of ours died and the other looked a bit lost on his own) Ive had them since Saturday knowing she was ready to lay her eggs I decided to move them to a breeding tank which is half filled, plenty of plants for anchor low lights etc noticed them swimming around together and the female always searching the male out to swim with so put them in female first then male a short while later. been adding blood worms in to feed them and just waiting male to make his bubble nest. Just been to check on them and they are just sitting there at the bottom they have not eaten since i put them in 2 days ago and male is sitting 1 end female hifing behind the pump (pump is on very very low to stop water movement) Ive done my research and well bit perplexed as to why they are acting this way. Im half tempted to pop them back in the community tank and see how they go as the other gouramis were after food today but these are just not eating. Any ideas why they might be acting this way?
They are Pearl Gouramis also if this helps 

I have another breeding pair of moonlight gouramis and the female is newly pregnant I am told.
Do you have cycled filters in these tanks, and have you tested the water for ammonia and nitrite?
What were the actual numbers and what are you using to test?
How big is the tank?
Its a 2ft tank id say 2x1x1
P.H 7.0
no3 (I think) 0
I need to get the result again but using API master test kit and all have come back fine. They just sit at the bottom looking all depressed and sad I really would hate for her to lose her eggs I am thinking of placing them back in the 4ft community tank and hoping he will find a spot to make a bubble nest 
Thanks :) 
Ok numbers
no3 0
no2 1
ph 7.2
cl2 0
Yeah, I'd put them back in the big tank and think about moving them into the breeding tank if the male starts nesting.
Thanks alot, They dont look ill just very depressed and not eating
They could well just be depressed. If they're big enough to breed, then a 2 foot tank is a bit on the small side.
Yep moved them back home and they are swimming around together and looking a lot happier will pop food in now and hope they eat. Hubby has set up a corner of the tank so the male can make a nest if needs be as we are going to be out most of the coming weekend. Thanks for the advice :) 
You're very welcome; I'm glad they're looking better :D

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