Advice On A New Tank Mate + Cherry Shrimp Q


New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I am having a bit of a dilemma which i will open to the floor for some advice!
I currently have a planted fluval edge 46l and the current occupants are 4 neons, 4 endlers who run rings round the neons and finally 4 cherry shrimp. Now i know i am not over stocked but i would just like something to finish the tank off with a bit of colour. 
Having just returned from my LFS (empty handed) while i ponder this predicament. I was thinking either a couple of bumblebee platys as there bright and yellow or a small shoal of ember tetras.
Any recommendations or other fish that would be suitable that i have not thought about!!
Second Question - Cherry shrimps
I have 4 cherry shrimp 2 x male, 2 x female, if i added yellow shrimp would they interbreed? and would i end up with some orange shrimp??
Many thanks in advance
I would happly say you are overstocked, I wouldn't recommend neons in such a small tank as they tend to be quite active and love to have some space.
Remove neons and add 6 ember tetra although these do like a planted tank. I have red crystal shrimps in my edge with cherry shrimp, these wont interbreed and add colour. And yes yellow shrimp will interbreed with the cherries.

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