Advice Needed


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Hi :) new to tropical fish keeping and was looking for some advice on adding new fish to the tank how many fish can be added at once when the tank has been set up for a few month. I seen a site selling starter packs of tropical fish containing roughly 18 fish would this not cause an ammonia spike? Thanks for any advice
Adding that amount of fish in one go would probably cause ammonia spikes yes, unless they were added at the end of a full fishless cycle, perhaps.

The usual guideline is to add no more than 50% of the tank's current stock in one go.

I've seen those 'tank filler' packs on a few sites, and they're always a very bad mix of unsuitable fish, IMO.

:hi: to the forum, btw :)
Thank you :) Yeah I thought that would happen it was actually a second hand 260 litre tank I got and it came with fish 2x silver dollars, 2x clown loach, and 1 gourami had it a week and everything is running great added 2x silver shark 1 small plec and 3 small frogs was going to try get some more on saturday would that be too soon?
Thank you :) Yeah I thought that would happen it was actually a second hand 260 litre tank I got and it came with fish 2x silver dollars, 2x clown loach, and 1 gourami had it a week and everything is running great added 2x silver shark 1 small plec and 3 small frogs was going to try get some more on saturday would that be too soon?
hard to tell if you had those fish for a month if so tell me but otherwise if it has been two weeks or more than i suppose you could add two or four fish...
btw, :hi:

oh okay now i see yah you could add fish

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