Adopted 55 Gallon Tank


Mostly New Member
Jan 18, 2014
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Just recently got a 55 gallon tank from a friend (I already have a 46 gallon tank). The two catfish, clown loaches and rainbow shark have been placed in the 46 gallon and the fancy fish (4 discus, one german blue ram, one appistogramma blue head, ember tetra, neon tetra, corys, common pleco) have been placed in the 55 gallon tank. I'll try and post a picture of the big tank later today. Three of the discus are new and are still settling in a bit to their new friends. I'm trying to think of some tall live plants to add to the tank. I've put 4 gold gourami's in the 46 gallon tank as well.
It kind of sounds over stocked for a 55 gallon and clown loaches are social fish and should have 5 or more and get 16".
I have heard about the clown loaches needing groups of 5 or more and getting 16" but unfortunately I was given the two of them and plan on giving them away when they get much larger (they are very small right now). Its over stocked even with only 14 tetras, 1 pleco, 4 discus, 1 ram (male), 1 appisto (female), and 3 corys in the 55 gallon? 
Can you give me the species of fish you have tetras and corys?
EDIT: clown loaches typically reach 12" in a home aquarium, and usually need a min of 100 gal and 5 in a group as I said already. Probably should get one or two more corys to have a proper school, discus are also social but I think 4 should be fine. Also make sure you have driftwood for your clown pleco as it is a wood chewing species. Also all these fish dont have the same temperature they would be optimal for all.

66.2 - 82.4F: Panda Cory
75.2 - 86F: Clown Loach
82.4 - 87.8F: Discus
75.2 - 84.2F: Apistogramma Black-Chin
78.8 - 86F: Blue Ram
73.4 - 77F: Clown Pleco
68 - 82.4F: Neon Tetra
Recommended pH range: 6 - 7.
Recommended hardness range: 5 - 10 dH.

(going off neon tetras and panda cory cat)

If you have a larger species of tetra it may be overstocked
To clarify I have two tanks:
1. 46 gallons: 4 golden gouramis, 2 pictus catfish, 1 rainbow shark and two clown loaches. I know clown loaches will get to be very large and like to be in groups of five. I was given these fish (I got them when I got my second tank from a friend who still had fish when stopping the hobby) and I don't really want to invest more money into the loaches when I know I will have to give them away before too much longer.
2. 55 gallons: 4 Discus, 2 peppered corys, 1 bandit cory, 5 ember tetras, 5 neon tetras, 4 glowlight tetras, 1 male german blue ram, one female blue head appistogramma, 1 common pleco. I do have wood in this tank. I realize discus like to have groups of 6 or more usually but I know I have a tank that's on the smaller side for them so decided that they would probably be happier to have fewer of them rather than overpopulated.
Well I guess it seems fine for population I would either get another bandit or return it and get more peppered Cory's :)

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