Adding Shrimps To A Tank


The current Mrs Treguard ;)
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Sep 6, 2010
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I've been considering putting some shrimps into my main tank. I have a bit of algae on my plants, and my shrimp do a lovely job of keeping them clean in their own tank.

So, I just want to check they'll be safe with; green neons, marbled hatchets, corydoras, red lizard whiptail, clown plec and glass catfish.

I'm fairly confident they'll be okay, but just want to check before I start moving some

They're blue jelly shrimps, which are a colour morph of the red cherry, if that makes any difference.
I believe they will be fine with the green neons, hatchets and corydoras.  I think the whiptail, plec and/or glass catfish might go after the shrimplets.
There's really only one way to be sure what will happen though... drop a few in and see how it goes.
Cheers, I'll probably try a few; they're breeding well in their own tank.

Of course, my main tank is 240l, so they'll probaby just disappear!
Yeah, true.
I added a half dozen ghost shrimp to my 56G about 4 months ago.  I haven't seen much of them... but I did see one about a week ago, hiding out and come out and grab a bit of food... so, I figure they are still there... somewhere.  I have some java moss in there, which I think helps them out as well.  The trouble with ghosts is that you can be looking right at it sometimes and not notice it.
If you have some heavily planted areas, they will be able to hide if they need to.
I have an ever expanding population of shrimp living happily with my whiptails, the other day I missed a perfect photo op when a small cherry shrimp was sitting on the whiptails head. I had read that whiptails should predate on shrimp, but it seems my whiptails missed the memo.
Corys will also be fine with cherry shrimp, well my shrimp have never had an issue with the whole pack of corys I keep.
Glass catfish may eat shrimplets but I have always found glass catfish to be very easy going and not active hunters of all things small enough to fit in their mouth.
The main culprits I would think would go after shrimp would be the hatchet and even then I suspect it would only really go after any shrimp that happen to be swimming along surface or maybe pick off shrimp it sees hanging on any floating plants.
The neons I think will get a taste for shrimp, but still mainly just have a nip that them when the shrimp are actively swimming around not if the shrimp are just wondering about the place or sitting still feeding in one area.
With lots of plant life and niffty nooks and crannies I think the shrimp will do fine in your tank and gradually increase even with slight predation. Just watchout with your filter, shrimp have an uncanny knack for getting into almost all types of filters, either via the intake or walking in the return.
Am assuming you mean green neon tetras, not green neon rasboras, if its the former then they may eat some shrimplets.
The green neon rasboras (kubotai) are perfectly fine with shrimps, i keep kubotai with my red cherries, not a problem whatsoever.
Should be ok though.
As Eagles says, give it a try with a small bunch, see what happens.
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