Hi i have a few issues to rectify if possible,
I have just medicated a 3Ft tank which i eventually worked out was bacterial problem and not fungal,in the process i lost the majority of my sons fish all we have left are 5x Balloon Mollies,2x Kissing Gourami's and 1xRed Cap Swordtail,but it kiiled all of my bottem feeders,Upside down Catfish,Yoyo Loaches,Clown Loaches and all our Bristle noses,then it seemed to creep up the tank and took out our 5x phantom glass catfish and then started taking out my Koi red swordtails,i think it is under control now as our last swordtail was on his last legs when i started treating with Melafix and he is back to normal now just fins have been eaten away a little,i just wanted to find our when can we restock our tank again as i will water change tomorrow and stop the medicating as need to add some more bottemfeeders?
I have just medicated a 3Ft tank which i eventually worked out was bacterial problem and not fungal,in the process i lost the majority of my sons fish all we have left are 5x Balloon Mollies,2x Kissing Gourami's and 1xRed Cap Swordtail,but it kiiled all of my bottem feeders,Upside down Catfish,Yoyo Loaches,Clown Loaches and all our Bristle noses,then it seemed to creep up the tank and took out our 5x phantom glass catfish and then started taking out my Koi red swordtails,i think it is under control now as our last swordtail was on his last legs when i started treating with Melafix and he is back to normal now just fins have been eaten away a little,i just wanted to find our when can we restock our tank again as i will water change tomorrow and stop the medicating as need to add some more bottemfeeders?