Ok so at the insistence of reps at pet smart and my kids tiring of looking at an empty tank I bought 5 Tiger Barbs and a Plec. I'm attaching a chart I designed to keep track of everything I do with the aquarium (i.e. test results, water changes etc.). For the last 2 weeks the Ammonia has been at 2ppm and a week ago I had Nitrite .25 ppm. On 9/4 the Nitrite increased to 2ppm but the ammonia stayed at 2ppm. Today the Nitrite was 5 ppm, the Ammonia 1 ppm, and Nitrate 5ppm (a sleeper!). I did a 3% water change with gravel cleaning, and a filter change. I added the appropriate amount of API Fish Stresscoat. What more should I be doing or not doing? Also please see the attached chart. Thanks.[View attachment 71216