Activated Carbon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2011
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leeds uk
thinking of getting some activated carbon to try to get rid of the  yellow look my tank has but as my tank is quite heavily planted would it remove the  liquid ferts i dose daily?
looked around on a few sites but there seems alot of conflicting opinions on the subject.
Do you have driftwood?  If so, the carbon won't do much to remove the tannins.  If it's Mopani wood it's going to take awhile to leach all of it's tannins.  I would just keep up on the water changes.
i do have driftwood but its been in over 2years 

i do water changes every week without fail but i always get a very pale yellow tinge that makes my background plants seem a bit washed out looking if that makes sense
Carbon will remove some tannins, but it does depend on the degree of staining how long it'll last before it needs replacing. Purigen can also get tannins out.
No it won't make a difference with the ferts.

Purigen is better for removing tannins, however, water changes works a lot better.
i do 40 - 50% water changes weekly but always seem to get the pale yellow tinge back shortly after think  i will try some purigen see if that helps clear the water

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