Sasha the breen

Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2004
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Hassocks West Sussex England
I have just done a water change with my brother and he did the worst thing ever!!! i went downstairs to get a drink.Then i went back upstairs AND MY BROTHER ADDED NON-DE-CLORINATED WATER!!!i have immediatly come down here !i have added a whole cap full of de-chlorinater but will my fish be ok???it was a 16 gallon tank and he added 2 gallons of chlorinated water?
Is that how much the bottle says to add? That seems like an awfull large amount for 2 gallons.. I'd think your fish should be ok.. Good thing you caught him doing it!
Yes, they should be fine. I don't think you can hurt them by adding too much dechloranator.

well, dechlorinator is an acid, and too much can do harm, but it does take quite a bit. Dechlorinators also work instantaneously, so I'm sure your fish are fine.
I did see this one dechlorinator and on the bottle it said that fish can live in it so it must not have been too bad.. As for the rest of the brands i don't know..

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