A Whole lotta bad


Fish Crazy
Jun 18, 2004
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So I thought I would share with you all a little of my exploits on this wonderful vacation. Don't worry, alot of what I have to say is in fact fish related. The festival for those of you who are interested was amazing, if you've never attended a true love folk fest, then you are missing out. So the first weekend and most of the week was amazing. It did not however end as such.

On the last weekend before our long jont home we attended a wedding. Now, I really had no desire to go to this little shindig, as I have little to no respect for the people being married. However they are friends of the hubby, and as those of us with other halves know, sometimes you just have to sigh, paste a smile on, and go along.

We get there and guess what I see? K, don't guess Ill tell you. As center peices for each of the dozen or so tables, are little glass bowls. As we take our seats I see that these bowls are filled with very bright and colorful guppies. Now, this hall has no airconditioning, and its very warm. Im stunned to say the least and get up to wander around looking at all these bowls. Over half of the fish are already looking pretty peeked, a couple have already passed on. So we have bout 2 or 3 fish per bowl and over a dozen table, 2 bowls per table. The head table? Why three little bowls of bettas. Im about ready to have a fit at this point. The hubby drags me outside and gives me the 'we are guest' yada yada speech. Its pretty common knowledge that I really don't care for most of the people there, so we are suppose to make a good impression. Leaving me to finish my smoke he goes in to find out what the plans are for these little guys, and promptly returns fuming. There are apparently no plans, in fact the answer was " err I don't know, want them?" We couldn't of course as we have no where to keep them and are not returning home for another few days.
Think this is bad? It gets worse. A typical wedding tradition is to tap your fork on your glass at spontanious moments during the reception to have the wedding couple kiss. There were only plastic cups on the tables. You got it, all these instruments tapped on the sides of the little bowls. We walked back into this and it was the end for me. I went up to the head table and in the lovely moment of silence congradulated them on thier wedding, and informed them they were sadistic pieces of excrememnt. We left.

Is there any good news? No not as to the pour fish. Sorry.

On the way home though we did stop at this lovely waterfall. There are tons of these off the highway up here. I scored myself some amazing rock peices for my tank. Bright silver in color and the most amazing stackable shapes. These are currently going threw treatments to be put into my tank.

More bad news however, I lost another puffer duing my vacation. I had read everywhere that ghost shrimp make good eats for gsp. Perhaps this is the case for others but apparantly not for me. We came in and found a note from my fishkeeper that one puffer was missing and she didn't know where to. Seemed strange, so upon doing my "I'm home tank cleaning and inspection" I looked for it. Nothing, I was also missing one ghost shrimp. This didn't bother me so much as they were intended for food in the first place. So later on in the evening we sitting around doing the " ohh god its good to be home" sounds and I look into my tank. One of the danm ghost shrimp has ahold of my puffer and is spinning it around in preperation of devouring it! Im so not impressed and promptly set up my hospital tank and throw the rest of the danm shrimp in it. The little puffer is alive but looks pretty rough. I don't think hes had a good week. He is however now alone in the sparkling tank and I have good hopes that now that mommy's home he'll recover.

And so ends my long winded vacation rant. Man its good to be back :)
It's great to see you back hun! Sad I know but I was actually thinking about you earlier then woah - you were in chat! lol :D

I've heard stories of other such weddings before. I just hope I never go to one cos if I do all the fish are coming home with me pronto! :nod:

Glad u enjoyed the music :cool:
YES I missed you, so much :D

OMG what total *censored* *censored*, how can they do such a thing to those poor fish :angry:

Good for you for telling them what they really are :clap:

Can't wait to see pics of the rocks in your tank,
the waterfall sounds loverly :nod:

So sorry for your loss, :rip:
I hope that the little puffer will get better soon :-(
I'm sure it will with you as nurse :D

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