A Typical "what Should I Put In My Tank?" Thread


New Member
Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I have my mind pretty much made up on what I want but I would like a 2nd opinion on whether or not I am over stocking or planning on putting uncompatible fish together.

The tank is a 100L dimensions 76cm x 36cm and I don't know the height off the top of my head, has been fishless cycled for 3 weeks and now has 2 angels in it and 6 flame tetras.

My plan is

2 x angels
6 x flame tetras
2 x honey gouramis
1 x bristlenose cat

What are peoples thoughts?

I would also love imput on different fish that you would choose to put in as I don't have a wide knowledge of fish avaliable.

Thanks in advance


oh i have a pretty poor pic of the tank

and it is rubnning at 26C and isnt a high flow system


I don't like the propeller, my mother bought it and I felt bad :rolleyes:
Evening... i have a tank pretty similiar in size to yours (Fluval 206 filter) and currently have peaceful, community fish. I originally wanted Angels of some description up until the week of my fishless cycle finishing, but was advised against it... some of them required alot more tank depth than i could provide. I hope yours work out for you though, they can be quite beautiful!
The H.G's, Tetras and B.N Plec (?) all seem a decent stocking.. out of curiosity, what filtration have you got?

Mmm... It's a bit small for angels... And definitely too shallow for them.
Evening... i have a tank pretty similiar in size to yours (Fluval 206 filter) and currently have peaceful, community fish. I originally wanted Angels of some description up until the week of my fishless cycle finishing, but was advised against it... some of them required alot more tank depth than i could provide. I hope yours work out for you though, they can be quite beautiful!
The H.G's, Tetras and B.N Plec (?) all seem a decent stocking.. out of curiosity, what filtration have you got?


The filter is an Askoll number, 3 trays of ceramics with carbon coated foam pads and then carbon cartidges, looked fancy all built in thats why I bought it.

Shamefully I actually had the angels in a 60L, having been told they were a dwarf veriaty (explained in my newb thread) so they are in there until I find them a good home so they wont be in there permanantly, My LFS has BN plecs and BN cats (seem to not grow so big) thought the tank was too small for a plec? What have you got?

Mmm... It's a bit small for angels... And definitely too shallow for them.

I bought them after having been told they wouldn't get more than a few inches tall, unfortunately that's what I get for buying them from a poorly informed shop :(

They will be moved but for the time being they seem pretty happy
:good: i hope you find a good home for them if you decide to re-home.
I have a mixture of Tetra (Cardinal/Ember/Xray) and Cherry and Five Banded Barbs.
I have recently lost my two Golden Rams so am still looking for the perfect, larger centrepiece fish.

There's a lot of debate on minimum B.N tank size. I'd say A BN will be fine in that size tank. I'd say 20 gallons minimum, which is 90 litres. (I think - bad at maths :look: )

I agree that the tank is too small for angels, mainly in depth. How long have you had them? It's pretty unusual to keep two angels together without them fighting unless they're a bonded pair and they look a tad too small for that. I'd be intrigued to know if they are.

I'd also advise trying to get 3-4 gouramis rather than just the two or really making sure that you get a male and a female. (If it was my tank, I'd have it as a species dwarf gourami tank (haven't kept them in way too long))

Flame tetras. Hmm. Another area of debate. They're hardy little fish and they won't take any nonsense. In my experience, they can be pretty nippy - so watch out for your angels fins. Have they been good so far?

It's a nice tank :good: What's your substrate?
:good: i hope you find a good home for them if you decide to re-home.
I have a mixture of Tetra (Cardinal/Ember/Xray) and Cherry and Five Banded Barbs.
I have recently lost my two Golden Rams so am still looking for the perfect, larger centrepiece fish.


I have a barb tank in the previously mentioned 60L tigers rubys and green tigers

Rams as in cichlids? I have been looking into them as thats what I fancied after the angels moved on but I've read they are pretty good at eating tetras no?
There's a lot of debate on minimum B.N tank size. I'd say A BN will be fine in that size tank. I'd say 20 gallons minimum, which is 90 litres. (I think - bad at maths :look: )

I agree that the tank is too small for angels, mainly in depth. How long have you had them? It's pretty unusual to keep two angels together without them fighting unless they're a bonded pair and they look a tad too small for that. I'd be intrigued to know if they are.

I'd also advise trying to get 3-4 gouramis rather than just the two or really making sure that you get a male and a female. (If it was my tank, I'd have it as a species dwarf gourami tank (haven't kept them in way too long))

Flame tetras. Hmm. Another area of debate. They're hardy little fish and they won't take any nonsense. In my experience, they can be pretty nippy - so watch out for your angels fins. Have they been good so far?

It's a nice tank :good: What's your substrate?

Ive had the angels maybe 4 months, 1 is male and the other is female, or so I was told but other than that I don't know much about them, however they are fine with each other, pretty placid. They arn't shoaling like tetras I have had in the past but they seem fine with the angels, been checking daily as thats what I heard about them.

I had intended to get a sexed pair (1male 1female) of gouramis.

the substrate is a mix of sand and coral sand I think, not sure off the top of my head but its pretty fine, I can confirm what it is when I get home (at work)

This is why I need you lot I have no idea what I am doing :lol:
It's good when tetras don't shoal - means they're at ease in the tank. They don't usually swim as a group in tanks unless there are predators or they're living in very large groups (50+)

Cool about the angels. It's a shame you'll probably have to move them on. Unless you catch the fish-keeping bug and end up getting a bigger tank.

It's great that you're doing your research. That's how to have happy fish. :good:

Barbs are the one fish I've never been able to handle. I hate nippy fish and I always seem to get the bullies when I go for barbs. :no: Ah well, I guess you're just lucky.

Cool on the sand. It looks really pwetty.

Rams ... phew we're going through all areas of debate tonight. Personally, I think flames would be fine. Neons are generally the ones at risk because of their small size and torpedo shape. Flames have a slightly fuller body and grow to be larger. I don't really have any experience in this area so I'd ask an expert. Lol.
It's good when tetras don't shoal - means they're at ease in the tank. They don't usually swim as a group in tanks unless there are predators or they're living in very large groups (50+)

Cool about the angels. It's a shame you'll probably have to move them on. Unless you catch the fish-keeping bug and end up getting a bigger tank.

It's great that you're doing your research. That's how to have happy fish. :good:

Barbs are the one fish I've never been able to handle. I hate nippy fish and I always seem to get the bullies when I go for barbs. :no: Ah well, I guess you're just lucky.

Cool on the sand. It looks really pwetty.

Rams ... phew we're going through all areas of debate tonight. Personally, I think flames would be fine. Neons are generally the ones at risk because of their small size and torpedo shape. Flames have a slightly fuller body and grow to be larger. I don't really have any experience in this area so I'd ask an expert. Lol.

I've got no space in the house for annother tank so they will probably be rehomed lol

yea thought I should put some thought into it 1st

fair enough, well thats why i posted as I am nowhere near clued up on any of this stuff :lol:

and yea its quite nice substrate and its soft so will be cat friendly :) hense why I bought it lol
:good: i hope you find a good home for them if you decide to re-home.
I have a mixture of Tetra (Cardinal/Ember/Xray) and Cherry and Five Banded Barbs.
I have recently lost my two Golden Rams so am still looking for the perfect, larger centrepiece fish.


I have a barb tank in the previously mentioned 60L tigers rubys and green tigers

Rams as in cichlids? I have been looking into them as thats what I fancied after the angels moved on but I've read they are pretty good at eating tetras no?

Off topic... How many of those Barbs do you have in your 60L ?

:good: i hope you find a good home for them if you decide to re-home.
I have a mixture of Tetra (Cardinal/Ember/Xray) and Cherry and Five Banded Barbs.
I have recently lost my two Golden Rams so am still looking for the perfect, larger centrepiece fish.


I have a barb tank in the previously mentioned 60L tigers rubys and green tigers

Rams as in cichlids? I have been looking into them as thats what I fancied after the angels moved on but I've read they are pretty good at eating tetras no?

Off topic... How many of those Barbs do you have in your 60L ?



5 adult tigers 3 baby green annd 2 midelish rubys, was told 15 would be fine but I reckon that would be overstocking


real pics up when I charge the camera
if your gonna get more fish why not cichlids or guppies they are compatible with angels well at least with mine
if your gonna get more fish why not cichlids or guppies they are compatible with angels well at least with mine

I'm sure the Guppies are very compatable with your Angelfishes' stomachs! Seriously, that will end in a live lunch scenario as your Angels mature.
Since you're going to rehome your angels at some point, how about getting a pair of kribs?

You get about six juveniles, let them grow a bit and when they pair up you choose a pair and rehome the others.

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