New Member
I have my mind pretty much made up on what I want but I would like a 2nd opinion on whether or not I am over stocking or planning on putting uncompatible fish together.
The tank is a 100L dimensions 76cm x 36cm and I don't know the height off the top of my head, has been fishless cycled for 3 weeks and now has 2 angels in it and 6 flame tetras.
My plan is
2 x angels
6 x flame tetras
2 x honey gouramis
1 x bristlenose cat
What are peoples thoughts?
I would also love imput on different fish that you would choose to put in as I don't have a wide knowledge of fish avaliable.
Thanks in advance

oh i have a pretty poor pic of the tank
and it is rubnning at 26C and isnt a high flow system
I don't like the propeller, my mother bought it and I felt bad
The tank is a 100L dimensions 76cm x 36cm and I don't know the height off the top of my head, has been fishless cycled for 3 weeks and now has 2 angels in it and 6 flame tetras.
My plan is
2 x angels
6 x flame tetras
2 x honey gouramis
1 x bristlenose cat
What are peoples thoughts?
I would also love imput on different fish that you would choose to put in as I don't have a wide knowledge of fish avaliable.
Thanks in advance
oh i have a pretty poor pic of the tank
and it is rubnning at 26C and isnt a high flow system

I don't like the propeller, my mother bought it and I felt bad