A Quick Question About Uv Sterilizers And Algae Control


New Member
May 8, 2014
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Hello everyone, I somewhat of a rookie to the forum but I did want to ask a question about UV sterilizers. I have been having many algae problems and I have tried refreshing the water etc. but nothing successful so far.
I know that there are a number of people who really do not like using these UV sterilizers because it can help kill all organisms (both the good and the bad) and I would imagine that this would go for my fish (or at least my plants) as well.
I have found a number of great resources online to help me remove the algae issues, but I would like to know what people think about UV sterilizers as a whole because I am still considering them. Do you think that if I were to hook it up it would actually kill all the good stuff as well?
I suppose that it may seem like overkill and I should utilize the suggestions that I have found so far (even though you can always add more to your tank. Does anyone have experience with UV sterilizers and if so, what do you think of them?
I write at http://homeaquaria.com
UV will only kill algae in the water, not that is attached. It can help control the spreading but not eradicate established algae.
Most of the good bacteria in aquariums is not in the water, It is either ensconsed in a biofilm attached to hard surfaces in our tanks and filters. Other bacteria is inones substrate. Not of these are affected by UV. However, a lot of the nastier bacteria and some viruses are in the water. Properly set up UV units can kill a good deal of this.
So if you are battling algae, I would suggest looking for other solutions rather than UV. Here is a very good article on the topic. I got my unit from this site. http://americanaquariumproducts.com/AquariumUVSterilization.html
Interesting article, I've bookmarked it for future reference.  Gets a bit technical, and it is long, seems comprehensive.  I need to read it over.  Thanks for the link.
From my initial read, seems that like many things, you can spend lots of money and go top of the line, or find a place in the middle which works for you.  There are a few low end items which, as always, are just a waste of money.  I think for most hobbyists, 'somewhere in the middle' is where we land. 

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