A Few Id's


New Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Quite new to planted tanks so still learning and have forgotten the names of these plants. Any advice on keeping them would be great (have a small 60L tank, with 1 x 15w T8 Tropical Grow bulb)




welcome to the site
pic 1 is a Java Fern, i think.It's in pretty bad nick whatever it is
pic 2 is non-aquatic, some type of Dracena.It will eventually rot & die.If it were me i'd get rid
pic 3 looks like an Echindorus.Not sure which,bit like a Compacta
pic 4 don't know the frilly one, but the red stem at the front, looks like Ludwigia

I would say that you have algae issues, if pic 1 is anything to go by.Your lighting isn't too intense, but how long is it on for, more than 8?

Thanks for the replies mate.

There is 0 issues with Algae in this tank, that Java fern came in like that and the golden algae eater (forget proper name) has been slowly cleaning the bogwood.

Gutted #2 is non aquatic.. pets at home said it was.

Curious to find out about the care requirements for all of them and the name for the "frilly" one.

I'm not new to keeping fish, had marines for the last 3 years successfully, but moved into a flat so decided to just have a small tropical for now. Plants are new to me.. i'm used to corals lol

Lights are on for about 10-12 hours due to it being a single T8 15w, looking at upgrading the light unit but its only a wee 60L rectangle tank with a hood.

I don't know much about plants, and I've never had any, but the frilly one looks like Green Cabomba, it's a plant I am learning about for my future 55 gallon tank!
Thanks for the replies mate.

There is 0 issues with Algae in this tank, that Java fern came in like that and the golden algae eater (forget proper name) has been slowly cleaning the bogwood.

Gutted #2 is non aquatic.. pets at home said it was.

Curious to find out about the care requirements for all of them and the name for the "frilly" one.

I'm not new to keeping fish, had marines for the last 3 years successfully, but moved into a flat so decided to just have a small tropical for now. Plants are new to me.. i'm used to corals lol

Lights are on for about 10-12 hours due to it being a single T8 15w, looking at upgrading the light unit but its only a wee 60L rectangle tank with a hood.


Sorry didn't mean for it to come out as harshly as that.
The good news is that the Java Fern & Sword will be fine with the lighting you currently have.

Java fern can be quite slow growing but you'll still be better off removing all the damaged leaves, this will encourage new, healthy growth.
If the red stem is Ludwigia, it may struggle.
The 'frilly' one could well be Cabomba. I think it prefers, cooler, softer water.It can grow well then suddenly 'melt' and die off, so keep an eye on it.
How's your stocking? With such low light, your fish may well be providing enough nutrients for the small amount of plants you've shown.Unless you're hiding some from view.

Bit of light reading here & here

Yup, 1 is a java fern,
2 is indeed a non aquatic
3 is a sword in emmersed form. It'll melt and then come back.
4 is some form of ludwegia that'll struggle in your light, the plant behind looks more like a Limnophila aquatica to me than a cabomba.
Thanks for the replies.. well, whatever the bushy green one in the background of number 4 is it grows VERY fast in my low light lol

It's extra bushy and is near touching the top of the water!

Seems to not need alot of light to grow anyway.

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