A Couple Of Nano Tanks And A More Normal Size Tank - Stocking.


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
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Hi all, I have found multiple tanks in storage that were used for God knows what, several eons ago. I started of with a 207L tank and have caught multiple tank syndrome.
Keep in mind when offering stock opinions,  I do not like:  endlers, platys, goldfish (not that I'd keep them in these tanks), guppies or bettas. I prefer fish that look all natural, and I feel these guys are usually bred for aesthetics, which ironically makes them aesthetically unappealing to me.
I have an 80L (20G) and 2x20L (5G).
I am thinking of making the  80L a species only tank, with Blind Cave Tetras (and possibly a pleco for algae purposes). Any other suggestions are welcome - I feel like I could do a lot with this tank.
The 20L tanks I think I'll have more problems with, since there is limited fish-stocking potential.
(Very) ideally, I would like to keep my African butterflyfish in one 20L tank. He's currently in my 207L, but gets spooked by the lights and often descends and has taken a swing at my other fish before. I'm not sure on their exact tank requirements, but I'd keep it heavily planted with little flow and natural light only. I know the 80L is probably more ideal for him.
The other 20L I've toyed with a few ideas but I think I'd like a verdant shrimp tank. Just load it with java moss and shrimp. I wouldn't mind keeping a school of small fish or a feature fish - I'd love a school of ember tetras, but I'm not sure how large they grow. I thought neons were tiny, but the ones in my big tank are HUGE now.
So yea, any suggestions, advice?
Thank you
Never heard of them, though after some research I'm not sure I can get them here, though Killifish are a good idea, I thought they were bigger though. I'll keep looking into it, thanks.
Australia, I'll have to look around.

Also how many cherry shrimp could fit in a 20L tank?
I think so... sorry no possibility to send to australia, I would like to see your birds, here in Europe we breed them as small jewlerry
I have a thread called Nano Fish, could help quite a bit.

Tek oot.
Can you find shrimp in Australia? I thought it was illegal to import inverts, same as New Zealand?
You can, technically it's illegal but no one enforces it.
It's illegal to import, but the law's reasonably recent (last 30 years or so), so anything from before then - and bred from old stock is legal. The way shrimp breed, it would be no problem sustaining them several thousand generations. We also have a large variety of native shrimps.
I have a thread called Nano Fish, could help quite a bit.
I saw, it's been most helpful - thanks. I never realised ember tetras got so big, I'd hoped they'd be good in a 5 gal but obviously not.
:/ I've never seen any shrimp at any of my LFS's so I thought you would always have to go hunting and get some native one's but hopefully some might come up at my LFS and I'll be able to grab some. :) Will save me having to go try and catch some from the river.
Try sticklebacks? You have those in Australia right?
Not a clue about sticklebacks.

I've never seen any shrimp at any of my LFS's
Probably a New Zealand thing, they crop up a bit here.

Embers don't get big.
No they do not lol. Just too big for a 5 gal, I've only ever seen what must have been juveniles in the LFS, because I've never seen them anywhere near 2.5cm.
Try boraras micros maybe? Anything in the boraras section...

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