Hi all, I have found multiple tanks in storage that were used for God knows what, several eons ago. I started of with a 207L tank and have caught multiple tank syndrome.
Keep in mind when offering stock opinions, I do not like: endlers, platys, goldfish (not that I'd keep them in these tanks), guppies or bettas. I prefer fish that look all natural, and I feel these guys are usually bred for aesthetics, which ironically makes them aesthetically unappealing to me.
I have an 80L (20G) and 2x20L (5G).
I am thinking of making the 80L a species only tank, with Blind Cave Tetras (and possibly a pleco for algae purposes). Any other suggestions are welcome - I feel like I could do a lot with this tank.
The 20L tanks I think I'll have more problems with, since there is limited fish-stocking potential.
(Very) ideally, I would like to keep my African butterflyfish in one 20L tank. He's currently in my 207L, but gets spooked by the lights and often descends and has taken a swing at my other fish before. I'm not sure on their exact tank requirements, but I'd keep it heavily planted with little flow and natural light only. I know the 80L is probably more ideal for him.
The other 20L I've toyed with a few ideas but I think I'd like a verdant shrimp tank. Just load it with java moss and shrimp. I wouldn't mind keeping a school of small fish or a feature fish - I'd love a school of ember tetras, but I'm not sure how large they grow. I thought neons were tiny, but the ones in my big tank are HUGE now.
So yea, any suggestions, advice?
Thank you
Keep in mind when offering stock opinions, I do not like: endlers, platys, goldfish (not that I'd keep them in these tanks), guppies or bettas. I prefer fish that look all natural, and I feel these guys are usually bred for aesthetics, which ironically makes them aesthetically unappealing to me.
I have an 80L (20G) and 2x20L (5G).
I am thinking of making the 80L a species only tank, with Blind Cave Tetras (and possibly a pleco for algae purposes). Any other suggestions are welcome - I feel like I could do a lot with this tank.
The 20L tanks I think I'll have more problems with, since there is limited fish-stocking potential.
(Very) ideally, I would like to keep my African butterflyfish in one 20L tank. He's currently in my 207L, but gets spooked by the lights and often descends and has taken a swing at my other fish before. I'm not sure on their exact tank requirements, but I'd keep it heavily planted with little flow and natural light only. I know the 80L is probably more ideal for him.
The other 20L I've toyed with a few ideas but I think I'd like a verdant shrimp tank. Just load it with java moss and shrimp. I wouldn't mind keeping a school of small fish or a feature fish - I'd love a school of ember tetras, but I'm not sure how large they grow. I thought neons were tiny, but the ones in my big tank are HUGE now.
So yea, any suggestions, advice?
Thank you