6.0 Ammonia?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
My tank's been having some problems these last few days, I must have started at least 5 or 6 new topics. This time, it's ammonia.
I added 2 guppies last week
On Saturday, my gourami became ill, he was lying on the ground
I lost 2 tetras on the same day, and I'm not sure why. I fished them out as soon as I found them, all levels were normal, but I did a 25% water change anyways and cleaned the filter in old tank water.
I lost another tetra yesterday, but fished him out almost immediately.
Today, I checked all my levels. EVERYTHING is normal - NitrItes 0, NitrAtes 40, PH 7.2, Alkalinity 80, Hardness 150, Temperature 76 - except ammonia. Ammonia is at a 6.0, the highest its ever been in this tank since cycling.
Strangely, all of my fish appear fine. Even the gourami who was lying on his deathbed for the past 2 days suddenly got up, started swimming around and eating again. As far as I can see, no labored breathing, all the fish swim normally, and they ate just as much as usual tonight. Just to be safe, I visited a fish store and asked a salesperson. They recommended an ammonia remover. I've done another 25% water change and added the remover.

I guess its a bit late now, and I should just wait and see how things turn out, but, is there anything else I can do?
Are you testing your water with strips or a liquid kit? Ammonia is very toxic at 0.2 so 6.0, if accurate, is unbelievably deadly. You should do as large a water change as possible now, leaving just enough water for the fish to be able to swim upright, about 90-95%. Nothing removes ammonia except water changes or a functioning biological filter. The product you were sold only binds ammonia to ammonium for 24 hours. Ammonium is less toxic but reverts back to ammonia after 24 hours max. It's putting a band aid on a gunshot wound. Ammonia needs to be at 0 at all times.
Jeepers, 6.0 ammonia? Get water changing now, if you can't do it now, then do it before now.
I'm going to vote for the test being inaccurate. If ammonia levels truly were at 6.0. all the fish would be dead or mostly dead. Do a big water change anyway, but get a reliable ammonia test!
Hmm, yeah. I didn't see the advice yesterday, my bad.
Today every single fish is still fine, still swimming, still eating, so I'm just going to go with a misreading.
I am using test strips. I know liquid is better, but I got 250 for free when I got the tank :drool: and I'm not even halfway through.
Sorry for false alarm.

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