Fish Crazy
My tank's been having some problems these last few days, I must have started at least 5 or 6 new topics. This time, it's ammonia.
I added 2 guppies last week
On Saturday, my gourami became ill, he was lying on the ground
I lost 2 tetras on the same day, and I'm not sure why. I fished them out as soon as I found them, all levels were normal, but I did a 25% water change anyways and cleaned the filter in old tank water.
I lost another tetra yesterday, but fished him out almost immediately.
Today, I checked all my levels. EVERYTHING is normal - NitrItes 0, NitrAtes 40, PH 7.2, Alkalinity 80, Hardness 150, Temperature 76 - except ammonia. Ammonia is at a 6.0, the highest its ever been in this tank since cycling.
Strangely, all of my fish appear fine. Even the gourami who was lying on his deathbed for the past 2 days suddenly got up, started swimming around and eating again. As far as I can see, no labored breathing, all the fish swim normally, and they ate just as much as usual tonight. Just to be safe, I visited a fish store and asked a salesperson. They recommended an ammonia remover. I've done another 25% water change and added the remover.
I guess its a bit late now, and I should just wait and see how things turn out, but, is there anything else I can do?
I added 2 guppies last week
On Saturday, my gourami became ill, he was lying on the ground
I lost 2 tetras on the same day, and I'm not sure why. I fished them out as soon as I found them, all levels were normal, but I did a 25% water change anyways and cleaned the filter in old tank water.
I lost another tetra yesterday, but fished him out almost immediately.
Today, I checked all my levels. EVERYTHING is normal - NitrItes 0, NitrAtes 40, PH 7.2, Alkalinity 80, Hardness 150, Temperature 76 - except ammonia. Ammonia is at a 6.0, the highest its ever been in this tank since cycling.
Strangely, all of my fish appear fine. Even the gourami who was lying on his deathbed for the past 2 days suddenly got up, started swimming around and eating again. As far as I can see, no labored breathing, all the fish swim normally, and they ate just as much as usual tonight. Just to be safe, I visited a fish store and asked a salesperson. They recommended an ammonia remover. I've done another 25% water change and added the remover.
I guess its a bit late now, and I should just wait and see how things turn out, but, is there anything else I can do?