When you say you used bacteria in a bottle, which kind did you use? Tetra Safe Start is the only kind I know of (from experience and reviews) to work. And it only works if there is a good ammonia source continuously being provided (i.e. putting fish in directly after dumping the bottle, or dosing pure ammonia every day).
But as it's been said your nitrates are extremely high and therefore no fish should be added just yet as it can/will be deadly to them.
You'll know when you are cycled if you've got readings of 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and at least some (more than likely a lot) of nitrates
When using a bottled bacteria supplement you may not see the spikes in nitrites/ammonia because the bottled bacteria (as well as the mature filter media) will probably speed that up quickly enough that you won't catch it in time. Personally, I check daily during the end of a cycle because I'm impatient
On a side note, it's generally alright to put fish in right after adding tetra safe start. They will be susceptible to minimal amounts of ammonia for 1-2 weeks, but no more than if you had a fish-in cycle and changed about 30-50% water every day (or for example, a quarantine tank without established filter media). It is somewhat stressful but a majority of the time not deadly (unless you have really sensitive fish I'd imagine). The bacteria in the bottle will continue to feed on the ammonia in the tank produced by the newly introduced fish, therefore keeping it low enough to mostly tolerate. I will not say that it's harmless, rather that it is stressful, but at least in my experience, I've never had TSS kill a fish. Just thought I'd let you know