Fish Crazy
Hey, it's me again!
I was just wondering if you could go over my 55 Gallon plan one more time, I changed it a little.
Substrate: Play sand.
Plants: Java Fern, Amazon Swords, Green Cabomba, Wendtii Red/Brown, Sunset Hygrophila, and Anubias petite nana.
Fish: 1 Golden Gourami, 8 Platys (7:1 Female:Male ratio is what I have!), 9 Guppies (2:1 female:male ratio), 2 Striped Rubbernose Plecos (have 1, and I love it!), and 6-8 Kuhli loaches.
The tank comes with the filter, and I'm getting a test kit in at most two weeks (had to order it off amazon), but the tank should be fine with just the Gourami in it for the first week. I'm thinking I'm going to add two platys at a time, daily the second week until they're all in there, unless the Gourami will attack them if I do that. The third week I'm going to add in the Guppies, males, then females later in the week. After guppies, Kuhli Loaches. Then last I'm going to add in the Plecos.
Is that overstocked?
I'd like to get a bubbler, and I'm not quite sure about one thing, is a bubbler, and an airpump the same thing? The bubbler I want says it has an airstone pump in it on the petco website. This is the one.
I might be getting it on the 4th!! With is why I'm going over my plan right now
I was planning on getting it this week, so the 4th should work perfectly.
Any extra advice is helpful!!
I was just wondering if you could go over my 55 Gallon plan one more time, I changed it a little.
Substrate: Play sand.
Plants: Java Fern, Amazon Swords, Green Cabomba, Wendtii Red/Brown, Sunset Hygrophila, and Anubias petite nana.
Fish: 1 Golden Gourami, 8 Platys (7:1 Female:Male ratio is what I have!), 9 Guppies (2:1 female:male ratio), 2 Striped Rubbernose Plecos (have 1, and I love it!), and 6-8 Kuhli loaches.
The tank comes with the filter, and I'm getting a test kit in at most two weeks (had to order it off amazon), but the tank should be fine with just the Gourami in it for the first week. I'm thinking I'm going to add two platys at a time, daily the second week until they're all in there, unless the Gourami will attack them if I do that. The third week I'm going to add in the Guppies, males, then females later in the week. After guppies, Kuhli Loaches. Then last I'm going to add in the Plecos.
Is that overstocked?
I'd like to get a bubbler, and I'm not quite sure about one thing, is a bubbler, and an airpump the same thing? The bubbler I want says it has an airstone pump in it on the petco website. This is the one.
I might be getting it on the 4th!! With is why I'm going over my plan right now
Any extra advice is helpful!!
