5 Gallon Tank =(


Aug 12, 2009
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Hi guys =) ... so about 5 years ago my obsession with fish-keeping began as my family tank (30 gallons) died and we managed to rehouse all our fish but a lovely little betta. I bought a 5 gallon tank to house him and he happily lived out his life span.

Since then my obsession has grown to 3 more tanks - a deceptively large 35 gallon, long short 10 gallon and a hexagonal 10 gallon. I've been keeping the 5 gallon as a hospital / iso tank since the betta died but I find that it's hard to maintain a decent algae level (yes, I'm a (good) algae lover) without anything living in it, even with it cycling properly. I already have a new betta living in the long 10g and I don't really want to be giving another the unfair space advantage.

I know from experience that there's very little you can put in a 5 gal. Maybe snails of some sort or shrimp (neither of which I'm familiar with =/)? Please suggest =)

On the same note, any ideas for my hexagonal tank (10 gal)? I regret the shape of it, makes stocking very difficult. I already have tetras and guppies scattered across the other two tanks and would love to see something new.

Thankee so much. xx :good:
You could keep Cherry shrimps,or bumblebee shrimps, or crystal red shrimps, or a couple of endlers or guppies (all male or all female or you will be over run with fry) or 1 dwarf puffer , or 1 dwarf gourami - but you couldnt keep them all you would have to choose.
You could keep Cherry shrimps,or bumblebee shrimps, or crystal red shrimps, or a couple of endlers or guppies (all male or all female or you will be over run with fry) or 1 dwarf puffer , or 1 dwarf gourami - but you couldnt keep them all you would have to choose.

cheers. I'll definitely think about shrimps. I've just hesitated as I've never tried them before and they look so delicate! how many would you recommend for a 5 g?
Shrimps need really spot on water quality or they die so make sure your tank is fully cycled. Other than that they are a joy to keep - such endearing and interesting little creatures. :good:

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