3D Background Help Please


New Member
Mar 17, 2013
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isle of skye
Hi folks I have just sold my fish and I am sorting my tank as I am going to get malawi chichlids. I quiet like the look of the 3d backgrounds, I have heard ov ones that have we caves in them. I have a juwel corner fish tank it holds 190liters not sure what moddle it is maybe someone could help me with that?. I am just wondering if anyone knows any good shops/makers that make them for my tank or that can be adapted tofit it. ?
I am shopping for 3D in the states. I found stuff from one company I liked but they were out of stock. The I discovered this place which recently began selling in the states but are European take a look here http://www.aqua-maniac.com/
One observation. I am looking to put a background into a 150 gal. tank (about 565l). This tank is 18 inches (about 45 cm) front to back. The most elaborate backgrounds are 5-9 inches (13-23 cm) deep. That would reduce the average volume of open area for the fish by about 25%. So I was unwilling to go that route. However, most of the 3D makers also do what they call "slim" backgrounds which are flat backed, 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) thick. These attach directly to the back glass. I am seriously considering buying one of the slim ones from the manufacturer I linked to above from their American site.
Or you could make your own exactly how you want it. I went to YouTube and searched for DIY Aquarium Background and found a lot of videos. Most of them are made with styrofoam and cement, so you could make yours however you like.
Okay great thanks for the help guys I'm just looking and measured my tank its 66cm wide by 56cm high and I guess I will need 2 bits as its a corner tank struggiling to find one that's the right size their either to high or to long. Is it okay to cut them? And what would I use to cut it?
Don't have any idea what kind you're talking about, so don't know if it's safe to cut or how.

I made the above.
Really simple and cheap. I think it cost £10 all in.
Thin sheet of plastic cut to size.
Bag of slate chippings from BnQ for about £6
Aquatic silicone sealant.
Takes a little bit of time and effort but much easier than the styrofoam route and looks awesome - Really brings out the colours in fish/plants too.
relitively simple, i like it.

gives you a good idea of how it can be done effectively at such an affordable price.

would be interesting to see some plants attached to see if they'd bring a little more life to it all.

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