3 Mollies, 3 Swordtails Help?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
So a couple days ago I added one male swordtail and two females and then one male molly and two females.

The other day I looked in my tank and saw the male swordtail dead at the bottom of my tank.

the two female swordtails almost always hide while the mollies are always out swimming around.

I have a heavily planted 75 gallon tank which gives plenty of places to hide. They seem to like the java moss I have in the tank a lot and are always hiding in that and in a bunch of plants near the back.

They both come out to eat, I see them eat. They don't have any tears in their fins or anything or any signs of illness and I never see them being chased or bullied by any of my other tank mates.

Is this just normal behavior?

I am not use to keeping smaller community fish haha. I have always had large aggressive cichlids in my previous tanks.

A couple community fish were given to me in a tiny tank so I bought a 75 gallon and made it into a community tank.

Any advice about the swordtails?

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