3.5 Gallon Stocking Suggestions


Jul 4, 2013
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so im recycling things and i came across a chesepuff container and after filling it up with a 1 gallon container it was 3.5 gallons. i know options are limited for the tank size but im open to anything.
I'm sure you've seen this already, but for you to be able to find it more quickly: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/418749-nano-fish/
Something to consider is that the cheesepuff containers are much taller than they are wide, so that may make it a little more difficult to stock.
Perhaps post the measurements of it here? :)
You could use it to grow live food for your fish e.g. Brine shrimp/ daphnia
thanks for the imput, as for measurments well... wait a second it might awhile
Liv15 i like the idea of that but i wanted to try some fish or shrimp in it.

10.5 inches tall, ill try to find the the circumfrence.
hmm yea its cloudy right now so ill have to wait to get a better pic and bright gravel not a fan.
I believe it was a joke, since it originally contained bright orange cheese puffs.
I agree it'd be fitting.. :p
well i wont do that now if you could reccomend animals instead of distastefull gravel choices IMO id be happy.
I think you might be able to keep most shrimps
HHH said:
I think you might be able to keep most shrimps
yeah go with some ghost shrimps so you don't have to buy any as feeders. Save some money that way
Ninjouzata said:
I believe it was a joke, since it originally contained bright orange cheese puffs.
I agree it'd be fitting.. :p
Thank you for getting my dry humor

And I don't like dry gravel myself. I just spent all week getting rid of all that bright junk in my tank and switching over to natural stuff lol

I agree on the shrimp idea. Rcs and some moss.

What kind of filter/heater/light are you planning.
Perhaps some red clawed crabs instead of shrimp for something a bit different?
3 gallons is too small for most fish (even bettas IMO) so I'd stick to inverts.

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