290 litre/75 gallon Stocking


New Member
Jan 29, 2017
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Hello, I'm new to this forum and would like some ideas on what to do with my new 290 litre/ 75 us gallon tank. I already have a South American Cichlid tank and a community tank currently set up. I have absolutely no idea what fish to get. all advice is welcome.

Welcome to the forum!

As to fish, how about something you have always wanted, but never had? As long as the water parameters will allow it.
Thanks for the reply.

I've been thinking African cichlids probably Malawi but maybe tanganyikan. I've been trying do do some research but I'm not sure what Malawi cichlids are compatible. I know you get mbunas, haps and peacocks and I've read you can keep haps and peacocks together but not with mbunas. I would like a variety of colours and sizes but none too large. I would also like to minimise aggression but I know there will always be some. My PH is a bit low but I'll buy Malawi cichlid substrate and crushed coral to raise it. Just not sure what cichlids will work together.

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