29 Gallon Tank

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Dec 28, 2012
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I have a 29 gallon tank and in it right now i have 5 cherry barbs, 5 live plants, a pieces of drift wood and a sculpted rock do you have any ideas what other kind of fish or water animals [like snails] i should put in I'm thinking 30 small fish is the most i will put in as well as three or four other animals this is a freshwater tank.
I assume its fully cycled for your bioload.

With that stocking, you have virtually no limits in terms of fish to add, excluding some African cichlids.

I like a big shoal of one type of fish or another. There are plenty of shoaling small species of fish that would look fantastic in your tank.
Trigonostigma espei (about 1.25-1.5 inches full grown), T. hengeli (slightly bigger) T. heteromorpha (Known more widely as harlequin rasbora grow to about 2 inches) all are VERY peaceful and great dither fish.

Five banded barbs (similar in look to tiger barbs, but far more docile, nearly skittish) - grow to about 2 - 2.5 inches.

neons (2 inches) or cardinals (up to 3 inches) - red and blue colored. Brilliant colors.
bloodfin or rummynose - tight shoalers each about 2 inches.
black or red phantom tetra (2+ inches)
black or white skirt tetras (2+ inches)

dwarf: panda (1.5 inches), C. hastatus (1.25 - 1.5 inches), C. habrosus (1 - 1.25 inches) C. pygmaeus (1 inch)

regular: trilineatus, julli, peppered, sterbai, etc. (2-3 inches)

jumbo: Not truly a corydora, but similar: emerald (Brochis splendens) (4 inches)

small varieties like bristlenose or clown, pitbull.
(Gotta be careful because some are tankbusters)

Bolivian Rams or various apistogramma - as single individuals would probably work best.
Keyhold cichlid (5 inches) would work with the larger fish)

honey gourami, or dwarf gourami
apple snails!! dont know where you are but they are now banned in the UK so if you see one get one fast!

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