29 Gallon (110 Liter) Fancy Guppy And Shrimp Community Tank


Oct 7, 2013
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Okay, let's do this!
I've got 20 pounds of black sand mixed with 2 pounds of purple gravel in the tank and two pieces of live oak that have been seasoning in the yard for three years and then boiled twice, along with a very nice piece of Malaysian driftwood bought three years ago at the lfs.
I also have several fake plants, but I'll wait until later to put them in the tank as the wood is still leeching tannins and I'm worried it will stain the plants.
The stocking list is a Work In Progress, but three animals that I absolutely have to have are:
Fancy guppies
Red Cherry Shrimp
Some type of cory catfish (I'm leaning towards Corydoras hastatus)
Tank pic tomorrow
Incoming Infodump:
Day 1
Begin fishless cycle
Tank size: 29 gallon
Actual capacity (measuring inside dimensions and normal water level) 25 gallons (95 liters)
Ammonia: between 2 and 4 ppm
Tap Ph: 8.2
Tank Ph: 8.0
GH (tank and tap) 6 degrees
Filter1: Aqueon 30 Quietflow power filter
Filter 2: Aquaclear 30 Gal HOB version
Light: All glass aquarium 20 watt florescent light with 16 watt tube (may need to upgrade to grow any plants)
Heater: All glass aquarium 100 watt (120 volt) submersible heater
Ammonia: between 2 and 4 ppm
Tap Ph: 8.2
Tank Ph: 8.0
GH (Tank and tap) 6 dKH, 107.4 ppm GH/KH
Temperature 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 c)
Note to self: STOP making Promises you can't keep.
Day 7:
Finally got the wood to sit the way I wanted it, and did a 50% water change to remove some of the wood tannins.
Water parameters (after 50% water change)
Ammonia: between .5 and 1 ppm (will add more soon)
Nitrite: None Registering
Nitrate: between 5 and 10 ppm
Anyway, here's the tank pic.
I've got a lot more fake plants to add, but I think I'll hold off on them a bit longer.


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That wood looks awesome in there. Gives a lot of visual interest. Have you considered doing live plants?
Terribly sorry for the late reply Amber, I haven't been checking this thread in a while.

I,ve just gotten some plants from the lfs, will be adding them to the aquarium soon after I finish retrofitting a double t8 shop light into the hood.
Um, there's about a half inch from each of the driftwood sticking out of the water, and it's starting to grow mold, should I boil/bake it some more?
Sorry for the double post, but for some reason, I'm currently unable to edit my posts.

Full update: about 3 days before the trip to the lfs, I had nitrites at 2 ppm,

Retrofitting the light was a lot more trouble than I thought, by the time I finished, I think I would have been better off just buying a high- priced light.
Oh, well the light is finished, but the only 2 foot t8 light the lfs carried was a 20 watt, and the ballast in the light fixture is only good for 17w....

 So I ordered two 17watt, 1350 lumen, 6500k t8 tubes from amazon, for a total of 34 watts and 2700 Lumens
(BTW, this would be considered on the upper end of low light, correct?)
While I was at it I got some black sand fluorite to make the free shipping, both should be arriving within another 3 days.
Three days ago I did practically a 100% water change because the water was looking like strong tea, preventing most of the light from the only tube I have from getting to the plants.
After the water change, I added 2.5 ml of 10%ammonia (a bit short for 25gal/95litres I know, but it was too  late then to boot the computer and run the calculator,
and I didn't recall the correct amount to use)

So yeah, the plants are currently roughing it on a single aqueon 17w t8 full spectrum bulb......

hopefully they can make it until the new ones arrive.
Oh yeah, I just checked the water, and the ammonia was .25 and nitrite zero, added another 3ml of 10% ammonia.
Yeah, it seems like every time I try to start a tank something big comes up, last time mom was in the hospital, this time
I'm having surgery on the 23rd (hernia repair).

Shoot! it's past midnight and I still have to change the litterboxes, load the dishwasher and put the trash out!
Update: The Flourite Black sand Arrived three days ago, but I'm not going to put it in yet, not until I learn whether it could hurt the cories.
The plants don't seem to be bothered by the ammonia levels in the tank, nor by their ammonia dip they got before being put in, and no signs of snails either.
And the light tubes are...
Currently taking a scenic tour of New Jersey, over 1,000 miles away.

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