28-29C Sometimes Tank Cory And Tetra Suggestions


May 8, 2012
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Since my tank is hopefully nearly cycled I was wondering what would be suitable fish for a tank that's temp regularly gets up to 28-29c, the tank is 80 x 35 x 45, and I want a type of cory which will be in a group between 8-10, a group of tetras which will be around a group of between 15-20 then possibly A Bolivian our blue ram, and maybe some Otis our a bristlenose , but they will not be for a few months.
What is the pH and hardness of your water, OP?
Do you have any idea of the hardness? Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?
fluttermoth said:
Do you have any idea of the hardness? Do you get a lot of limescale in your kettle/showerhead?
no idea as it is a brand new rental house that we have only been in just over a month. But the kettle has no lime scale at all.
Probably fairly soft then :)
I would suggest cardinal tetras and sterbai cories (they're about the only corydoras species that can tolerate your sort of temperatures!). The blue rams should suit your water, but they're a very difficult fish to keep nowadays (due to poor choice of breeding stock and over use of hormones). You might get better stock in Australia than we do over here though, so might be worth trying them :)
Thank you they were what I had been looking at anyways but different websites had conflicting info about temprature, it's getting cooler now so the temp of the tank wont be getting as high so often, but if it does get hot I will just put a frozen bottle of water in the tank.
Went to the store today and asked for sterbai corys, and they want $15 a cory which at the minute I can just not afford at the moment, so tomorrow I will be purchasing a few juli corys instead. And then getting some cardinals in a few weeks.
In the wild fish can choose to move into deeper cooler water or warmer shallow water when they get uncomfortable. In a tank with constant temp throughout they obviously can't do that.
The Sterbai may be more expensive but 28-29  maybe too hot for julis to be happy and comfortable I would rather pay a little more getting fish that suit the conditions rather than forcing cheaper ones to try and adapt
b3cca said:
In the wild fish can choose to move into deeper cooler water or warmer shallow water when they get uncomfortable. In a tank with constant temp throughout they obviously can't do that.
The Sterbai may be more expensive but 28-29  maybe too hot for julis to be happy and comfortable I would rather pay a little more getting fish that suit the conditions rather than forcing cheaper ones to try and adapt
it very rarely gets to that temp, and on days it is gonna be hot I am gonna put a frozen bottle of water in to keep it down. As in the month. I have had it set up the temp has only been that high about 2 days, every other day it has been around 25-26, I just put regularly as as after those two days I though it would be all the time but summer is over now, so will not be getting that hot for a while now. And they wanted me to collect them on thrusday, which is the same day the get them, so they would get put them in their tank, then catch them again to go in mine and I imagine that would be to stressful and not give them a chance to see if the fish a not sick in anyway.
The Julii will probably be trilineatus as true Julii are rarely seen, 25c is at the very top of their temperature range so they won't be happy kept constantly at that temperature or higher
Have turned the temperature down to 24c on the heater as it was set at 25c so now the temp will be able to drop to that, as I say the temperature in the tank was only getting to the high temps on a very hot days, and now summer is over now, so if its gonna get hot I will put my ice bottle in. Already getting down to 21c days outside and the Aussies class this a a cold snap.
Why are you keeping the heater set so high?  What else is in the tank, which needs to be so warm?
When I go to the store tomorrow, and if they a nice group of bronze corys, I will just get them instead as I have had them before and like them, as you all make me feel like I am some sort of fish killer, sent to this planet to put fish in unthinkable conditions that will be pure torture to them to a slow painful death.
Freedom said:
Why are you keeping the heater set so high?  What else is in the tank, which needs to be so warm?
it was that high from cycling.
Hey man,
Do you really think that the water never gets to 28-29 degrees IN SOUTH AMERICA?! The fish will be fine with occasional temps like that so lbig as it isn't consistently that high. There are plenty of fish owners who live in hot areas and their fish cope fine in summer.
Even if it is a massive deal, bronze cories have very similar temperature ' requirements ' to Juliis anyway. So I doesn't matter which you get. Just get the ones you want man. If they do start dying due to temperatures ( unlikely ), you can put ice or something in their tank. I've had goldfish ponds go up to 40 degrees in the summer when I lived further up and they didn't give a darn.
I'm sorry if what I wrote upsets anyone but I really don't see any reason Cambojnr can't get julii cories if he wants to.

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