Mostly New Member
Hi everyone. Some of you may of seen my other thread about buying a 125l and stocking issues, that's still going to happen but this tank has another purpose. It's my lads first birthday on new years eve and since he's just been spoilt rotten at Christmas we was stuck for what to get him. Then we got to thinking about how excited he got every time he saw fish in pet shops, sea life centre and aquariums. As pets at home had a sale on some tanks we decided to buy him a Aquanano 30, not the usual choice for a baby's first birthday present but it's something he can grow up with. This is also an excuse to have a practise tank and get all the necessary little bits and bobs together. It also benefits the step daughter (who's 9) as she gets to help pick the fish and she also got to chose an ornament, she chose the gravel and the current layout. Anyway that's enough of the who's and whys, so now we can talk tank, starting with a pic as it currently stands.

So as stated above its a Aqua One Aquanano 30 (22l). All the equipment is the standard kit what it came with. We bought a new aquarium start up kit by interpret, this was recommended to us. It has 2 products in it called fresh start and filter start, it also has 2 test kits in it for ph and nitrite. We've ordered a api master test kit, but can get it tested for free in the mean time while we wait for delivery. The plant in it is Amazon sword. The fish that will be going in is a male betta. All comments are welcome, positive and negative as we want to get this right. Also we was told that we could fit another species in with that tank so could you give me some recommendations please? The second fish will be for the step daughter, who has already said she wants neons but I've read they fin nip? I was thinking maybe corydoras (providing my water is suitable), but please recommend.
Thanks and sorry for the long first post.

So as stated above its a Aqua One Aquanano 30 (22l). All the equipment is the standard kit what it came with. We bought a new aquarium start up kit by interpret, this was recommended to us. It has 2 products in it called fresh start and filter start, it also has 2 test kits in it for ph and nitrite. We've ordered a api master test kit, but can get it tested for free in the mean time while we wait for delivery. The plant in it is Amazon sword. The fish that will be going in is a male betta. All comments are welcome, positive and negative as we want to get this right. Also we was told that we could fit another species in with that tank so could you give me some recommendations please? The second fish will be for the step daughter, who has already said she wants neons but I've read they fin nip? I was thinking maybe corydoras (providing my water is suitable), but please recommend.
Thanks and sorry for the long first post.