20gallon Tank


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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I have a 20 gallon tank with the following fish atm.
2 honey sunset gouramis (i do not know if they are male or female yet)
1 male GBR cichlid
1 albino corydora catfish
1 peppered corydora catfish
1 minnow(i cuaght in mylake, idk why i still have it :p)
it is planted with fake plants, and a little bit of rock formation and a car cave(idk if thats what its called)

I was wondering if i could add my female betta fish to this tank
Good stocking. But you need to up the number to cories. Cories should be kept in the same species. I would return the one, and get 5 more of the same species that you have kept. For example, if you get rid of the albino, you can get 5 more peppered. 3 is a suitable amount, but 6 is better. Other than that, I wouldn't get anymore fish. It's great, just upgrade the number of cories. :)
I have read that GBRs can be very particular regarding water quality, so if this tank is new, and potentially not cycled, then you might have trouble. Is the tank already cycled?
it is an old tank, it has been running for 2 years, i have had the albino corydora for the longest so if i didi anything to the corydoras i would get rid of the peppered, i will be getting more corydoras soon
Than you for the replies

But i can add the female betta fish right?, she is only about 1" or 1.5"
well one of my gourami just died, i presume he is a male and the GBR and him fought, my GBR is doing fine though
so take away one of the sunset honey gourami, and it is a female
I'm not sure bettas and Blue rams go well together. You can try, but when you see them begin to fight, take one of them out right away and quarantine until you set up a new tank or find it a new home. :)
I'm not sure bettas and Blue rams go well together. You can try, but when you see them begin to fight, take one of them out right away and quarantine until you set up a new tank or find it a new home. :)

alright i will try, thank you

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