20 Gallon Long Corydora Tank


Aug 16, 2012
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My girlfriend loves Corydoras, and I was thinking of sometime in the future surprising her with a 20 gallon long Corydora species tank. What I wanted to know was since the tank is lower then a regular 20 gallon, will it limit my stocking options? I wanted to go for length so I can get a nice piece of wood and try some java moss or a java fern and try to make it look real. I believe 20 long dimensions are 30x12x12. What kind of stock can I expect in a tank of this size? All my tanks are 75 or larger so I know I cant go crazy with the amount. Unfortunately I cant get the pigmy cories in this area, all I have are peppered, albino, skunk, orange fin, and maybe some other kinds depending on when the store restocks their fish. I wanted to stick to the live plant method but I dunno which low care plants wont go over 12 inches and just die when they get out of the water.

20 longs actually have more fish capacity than a high, as it has more surface area. If you just want one species of cory then dozen of one species easily.
As for plants, moss, crypts, anubias and some of the java fern varieties, will all stay on the shorter side and do well in a low tech tank.
Would you suggest 12 of one species, or two groups of 6? Unfortunately I dont know how easy it would be for me to get 12 pandas, what I believe are her favourite ones besides for maybe her Julii that are slowly dieing because something happened to uncycle the tank they were in :/
Would you suggest 12 of one species, or two groups of 6? Unfortunately I dont know how easy it would be for me to get 12 pandas, what I believe are her favourite ones besides for maybe her Julii that are slowly dieing because something happened to uncycle the tank they were in :/

As with all shoaling fish the more of one species the merrier in fact they'd love to be In a group of hundreds.

However you have to balance the needs of the fish with the enjoyment you would get out of them as fish keepers and they would certainly be happy with two groups of 6.

Whereabouts do you live - near me there seems to be a never ending supply of panda corys.

Sorry for your Julii losses - they are my favourite corys.

I'm in Canada, an independant store near me has a few panda, but the real semi chain store I go to I haven't seen them there. I'll still look around though. It does suck about the Juliis we have, her 20 gallon was fine, I removed the horrible Fluval U2 and replaced it with an AquaClear 30 and put the old media the the filter and added the new stuff as well. A week later we found a dead Cory and found it odd, we found another one and tested the tank and the Nitrite was sitting around 4ppm or so so we did a 90% waterchange and I added twice the media I originally had from one of my mature 4 month old canisters and hoping that does the trick. There also seems to be some thing going around the tank, my little jaguar syodontis has a large white fungus type thing on his fin, I've been treating the tank with Kordon Ich Attack, API Pimafix, and API Melafix but it doesnt seem to be going away. One of the Corys we found had a similar spot as well. I haven't added anything to the tank in 3 weeks just odd the tank got out of balance suddenly.
Walmart has jungle brand fungus tabs cheap. I use these anytime any fish show signs of fungus, and I treat fish in quarantine with it as well. That and quick cure are the only meds I keep in supply.

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