20 Gal Setup And Stock


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
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Hi all just joined here today. Ive been keeping fish for 2 years now,but overcome to appreciate my fish and tank more and am tired of a land tank. Looking for some tips and a bit of help. This is my third tank actually, I started with a 5 gal then a 15 tall and now a 20 high. The reason I got the 20 was for the ease of cleaning and to have a larger foot print for plants.
Recently my 5 gallon shrimp tank developed a crack and this is basically another reason I've moved to a 20.
My equipment as of now and I'm pretty sure some of it needs adjusting and hoping I can be pointed in the right direction:
Marineland Penguin 100B filter
100w Aqueno heater
Aqueno hood stock bulb can't recall watt
Eco-complete substrate and various plants until my order comes in
API master test kit

I believe I'm 86% stocked:
5 Neon Tetras, 4 Rummy Nose Tetras, 4 RedCherry Shrimp, 1 Gold Ram,1 Clown Pleco, African Dwarf Frog
So far they've all been together for about 2 weeks and I haven't had issues. I'll get some pictures up shortly.

All sounds good. The tetras will be happier if you up their number to six of each type.

If you're wanting advice on what to do with the remainder of your stocking space, how about a dwarf gourami?
I was going to with the rummy but the lfs didnt have anymore. I originally had 6 neons but sadly the others picked on it and it didnt live. As for stocking space I dont know that I want to add more yet. I do like dwarf gourami but my wife doesnt. Also I feel I should upgrade my filter before adding anything else because its getting maxed out.
your filter can not really get overloaded as such but the flow can be increased, if you are going for a new filter i would recommend an external canister filter rather saves space inside the tank there quite and allot easier to clean in my eyes, not sure on stocking if you got sand you can get cory's if you like them but not 100% sure if you can have them alongside shrimp

but a very nice tank love the look you have the black sand/gravel looks very nice with the green and the rocks

may i also suggest a background of something maybe vellas? or even something behind the glass to cover up the wires, not sure what goes with a black base tho i have a black background with light yellow sand it helps bring out the green plants and sand but with already black sand may look to black but i no expert :D vellas would be nice ad height at the back

but again very nice tank congrats :D and welcome to the forum

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