So i have a Aqueon 36 Gallon with a 70 Aqua Clear Filter
Water Temp: 76 Degrees F
Lighting: 17 Watt T8 Full Spectrum Bulb (Came with Tank Kit)
Current Stock:
1 Red Zebra
1 Electric Yellow
1 Duboisi
1 demasoni
3 Tiger Barbs
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
1 Rubber Nose Pleco
My Bristle Nose Pleco died and my Duboisi Cichlid I just found dead today. This must have happened withing the past 24 hours. A water Change was done on Tuesday the 19th. Not sure what could of caused it. I changed 10 Gallons so that is about 27% water change. I made sure the Temperature was the same around 75-77 degrees. The only main difference is that my water is @ a 8.0 Ph level and my Tap water comes out @ 7.4. But I have had the Pleco for about 2 weeks now and the Duboisi for a little over a month now. Not Sure what could have been the issue.
What do you guys think it could be? I just tested all my water Parameters and it all read the same. 8.0 Ph, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, and around 10-20 Nitrates. Nothing out of the ordinary there. So any advice i would greatly appreciate it. I also just recently added 1 Mystery Snail, and 2 Nerite Snails a few days ago to help battle my brown algae I am getting in my tank. But i don't think that would cause anything bad in my tank.
Water Temp: 76 Degrees F
Lighting: 17 Watt T8 Full Spectrum Bulb (Came with Tank Kit)
Current Stock:
1 Red Zebra
1 Electric Yellow
1 Duboisi
1 demasoni
3 Tiger Barbs
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
1 Rubber Nose Pleco
My Bristle Nose Pleco died and my Duboisi Cichlid I just found dead today. This must have happened withing the past 24 hours. A water Change was done on Tuesday the 19th. Not sure what could of caused it. I changed 10 Gallons so that is about 27% water change. I made sure the Temperature was the same around 75-77 degrees. The only main difference is that my water is @ a 8.0 Ph level and my Tap water comes out @ 7.4. But I have had the Pleco for about 2 weeks now and the Duboisi for a little over a month now. Not Sure what could have been the issue.
What do you guys think it could be? I just tested all my water Parameters and it all read the same. 8.0 Ph, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, and around 10-20 Nitrates. Nothing out of the ordinary there. So any advice i would greatly appreciate it. I also just recently added 1 Mystery Snail, and 2 Nerite Snails a few days ago to help battle my brown algae I am getting in my tank. But i don't think that would cause anything bad in my tank.