Mostly New Member
I had three german blue rams, 2 male 1 female.
About a week ago I noticed my female ram had a little white mark on the top of her head, near her eye.
It looked a lot like that (it was hard to get a good picture)
Then her eye started swelling pretty bad and she died within the next couple days.
I noticed one of the male rams also had a little white spot on his head that looked like a wound or like the scales were missing. It started getting lighter and healing up but he died yesterday. He started floating on his side and his body was kind of bent.
My other ram (the alpha ram) is perfectly fine. No wounds, no white spots, regular poo, eating, swimming fine. All of my fish look perfectly fine and I tested my water yesterday - Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-10
So I did a 25% water change and my fish seem perfectly fine today.
I don't want my other ram or any of my other fish to die.
Is there something I am missing here? Is it possible that they died from injuries from the bigger alpha male? They were fighting a lot (over the female) but whenever I would add more females, they would end up dead within a couple days. I think my rams that paired up were killing the smaller female rams every time they would breed and protect their eggs. Or possibly my angelfish.
Right now they are in a planted 75 gallon
4 angelfish
1 german blue ram
1 albino bristlenose pleco
1 gold gourami
1 guppy
1 yellow spiny eel
About a week ago I noticed my female ram had a little white mark on the top of her head, near her eye.

It looked a lot like that (it was hard to get a good picture)
Then her eye started swelling pretty bad and she died within the next couple days.
I noticed one of the male rams also had a little white spot on his head that looked like a wound or like the scales were missing. It started getting lighter and healing up but he died yesterday. He started floating on his side and his body was kind of bent.
My other ram (the alpha ram) is perfectly fine. No wounds, no white spots, regular poo, eating, swimming fine. All of my fish look perfectly fine and I tested my water yesterday - Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-10
So I did a 25% water change and my fish seem perfectly fine today.
I don't want my other ram or any of my other fish to die.
Is there something I am missing here? Is it possible that they died from injuries from the bigger alpha male? They were fighting a lot (over the female) but whenever I would add more females, they would end up dead within a couple days. I think my rams that paired up were killing the smaller female rams every time they would breed and protect their eggs. Or possibly my angelfish.
Right now they are in a planted 75 gallon
4 angelfish
1 german blue ram
1 albino bristlenose pleco
1 gold gourami
1 guppy
1 yellow spiny eel