2 Dead Neons And The Third Looking Stressed!


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2012
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Silly me, I bought some neons from petco. 3 of them. 2 of them died in the last 24 hours and the 3rd one is looking very pale and gasping ( not at the surface ) What the heck is going on? I thought it might be the guppie doing it, but these are just seeming to be the new ones from the store while the other 2 original ones are doing just peachy.

30 gallon
pH high :8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 20

Last water change, on the 25th, 8 gallons, treated with jungle.
Temp is 70 F
I just added 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt to the tank. I have not put in any for a long time and I have at least done about 100 gallons worth of water changes sense I last added salt.
3x Neon Tetra (was 5 )
4x Emperor Tetra
2x Guppy

What the heck is going on here?? I will do another water change in the morning... though I do not see a reason why I should but its one of those things... I just not sure if the water is really the issue here.

I like to add that a few weeks ago I tried to add a single neon from another store and that one died too... is this because my water is too clean :blink: ? I knew it was not doing well in the store due to over stocking.... 97 cents and I figured that if it died it was going to have a wonderful water area to swim in on the last days... looked like he was perking up but death finally got the best of him I was so sad. Now I just starting to think Im cursed with neons. Maybe Ill get some glow fish for him or other colorful tetras.
How recently did you cycle the tank? Neons seem to unexpectedly die for no reason in tanks that haven't been established for longer than 5 months or so.
How recently did you cycle the tank? Neons seem to unexpectedly die for no reason in tanks that haven't been established for longer than 5 months or so.
Hrm its been only done for about a month and a half. Like I said though, the original 2 have been there from the start ( yes I actually cycled with them in there! before I knew better though )
How recently did you cycle the tank? Neons seem to unexpectedly die for no reason in tanks that haven't been established for longer than 5 months or so.
Hrm its been only done for about a month and a half. Like I said though, the original 2 have been there from the start ( yes I actually cycled with them in there! before I knew better though )

I'm not sure then. If the other neons are doing ok, they either have better immune systems and got used to the tank, or the new ones were just weakened from being transported.
Can you walk us through your acclimation method? How do you introduce new fish to your tank?
I have a little 1/4 gallon clear plastic tanks so to say that they sell as beta tanks/transport tanks similar to this :

Now I bought the Clown loaches at the same time. What happen was, she put both types of fish into the same bag, not thinking until I was almost home that these were going into different tanks.

What I ended up doing was dumping out the water and fish from the bag into that tank above. I then added water from tank 1 which the loaches were going into. I did the normal process and they then went into thier new home ( they are loving it by the way... very fun seeing them and the corries running around on the bottom! )

I then took the left over neons and did the whole thing all over again but this time adding water from tank B, which they were going to be living in. I did about 20 minutes in between cups of water, for an hour total. So about 2 hours worth of acclimation for them total. There is a 2 F temp from the tank the loaches went in and the tank the neons went in, the later being cooler.

Now I normally do the whole bag in tank/add water after 30 minutes a few times then into the tank, I thought this was the best course of action due to not having another area to put them in as they were in with the loaches , and I did not want to chase em both around and stress them any more than they already were.

The paramiters of both tanks at least for the NH3, NO2 and NO3 were the same along with the pH also give or take .2. Only the loach tank has live plants and algae in it where as the other one is crystal clear.
Good, that's what I like to hear. I prefer the drip method but there isn't anything wrong with yours as far as I can tell (I'm not wide awake until Wednesday) ;)

Because your pH is so high, I wondered if it was that shock that sent them into a state of distress.
Whatever this was, it has passed and the one neon left is gleefully schooling so to say with the other 2. Leads me to think that it was just stress and the shock of most likely better water conditions than the store that did them in. So sad either way. I was thinking if it was indeed neon tetra disease that it might have taken down at least the molly that was nipping at the sicker ones.

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