Fish Crazy
Silly me, I bought some neons from petco. 3 of them. 2 of them died in the last 24 hours and the 3rd one is looking very pale and gasping ( not at the surface ) What the heck is going on? I thought it might be the guppie doing it, but these are just seeming to be the new ones from the store while the other 2 original ones are doing just peachy.
30 gallon
pH high :8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 20
Last water change, on the 25th, 8 gallons, treated with jungle.
Temp is 70 F
I just added 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt to the tank. I have not put in any for a long time and I have at least done about 100 gallons worth of water changes sense I last added salt.
3x Neon Tetra (was 5 )
4x Emperor Tetra
2x Guppy
What the heck is going on here?? I will do another water change in the morning... though I do not see a reason why I should but its one of those things... I just not sure if the water is really the issue here.
I like to add that a few weeks ago I tried to add a single neon from another store and that one died too... is this because my water is too clean
? I knew it was not doing well in the store due to over stocking.... 97 cents and I figured that if it died it was going to have a wonderful water area to swim in on the last days... looked like he was perking up but death finally got the best of him I was so sad. Now I just starting to think Im cursed with neons. Maybe Ill get some glow fish for him or other colorful tetras.
30 gallon
pH high :8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 20
Last water change, on the 25th, 8 gallons, treated with jungle.
Temp is 70 F
I just added 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt to the tank. I have not put in any for a long time and I have at least done about 100 gallons worth of water changes sense I last added salt.
3x Neon Tetra (was 5 )
4x Emperor Tetra
2x Guppy
What the heck is going on here?? I will do another water change in the morning... though I do not see a reason why I should but its one of those things... I just not sure if the water is really the issue here.
I like to add that a few weeks ago I tried to add a single neon from another store and that one died too... is this because my water is too clean