1St Fish Death :(.


Fish Crazy
Feb 7, 2013
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Well my fish ever fish died this morning

Not sure why , checked last night everybody was okay, checked this morning and 1 of my Sterbai was dead.
Checked the water parameters and temp and everything was spot on and everybody else is happy and healthy.
Had to get my Dad to remove him though as I'm too much of a wuss to do it but I guess as a fishkeepers it's something we'll all have to accept and get used to over the years
Sorry this is boring lol but I guess losing a fish for the first time after nearly 2 years of fishkeeping isn't too bad.
Old age, stress, bad genes, the list would go on so yea it is something that will happen but after 2 years dats really good :3
Sorry for your loss Becca.  One fish lost in two years is really good, you must be doing something right! :good:
So sorry for your loss 
 It sounds like you take wonderful care of your fish.
Sorry to hear of your loss, but 2 years without any losses is very good going.
I lost my first fish after about 7 months, so kudos to you, you really must be doing things right.
There's some fish which have a tank-life of ~2 years (e.g. some guppys), so i'd say you're doing fantastically - don't look at the bad side of it, always try to think of things in a good way. Your tank must be pretty perfect, he probably died happy!
Yeah thanx, was sad yesterday but I'm ok now :) I know it'll always happen to all my fish over time so I'll have to toughen up lol
I lost fish within two weeks when I first started ;) im sorry for your loss but im sure you've been taking great care of them!!

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