125 Gallon Tank Reseal Questions


Mostly New Member
Apr 14, 2015
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I am going to be resealing a 125 gallon tank. It currently has clear silicone in all of the seams but I prefer the look of black. So now for the questions;

1) Has anyone ever done a reseal with black without completely disassembling the tank? Did it look alright or should I just go with clear?

2) Should I go with RTV 100 series silicone or would the cheaper stuff get the job done just as well?
I've never used the black silicone to reseal a tank so can't really say on that but I have cut out clear silicone and redone over with new clear silicone so I'd imagine it would be just fine to try this with the black. As for types of silicone I've used several and as long as it's 100% silicone and there are NO additives for things like mold control and such the silicone should be to use fine. In the past I've just used the cheap brands from Home Depot and had no problems at all. Good luck with the reseal :)

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