So it's spring break and I'm going home tomorrow morning, and leaving my tank in my dorm room over break, so the tank will be alone for 12 days. I might possibly be able to come by my dorm later next week to feed the fishes, but otherwise they're totally on their own. I've read fish can live 1-2 weeks without food, but I'm starting to have second thoughts if I should try to find someone to feed them over break, or visit campus more often to feed them (It's an hour away from home). What do you think? Is 12 days OK for them to be without food?
It's a 20 gallon planted tank, with a keyhole cichlid, green neons, corydoras, and otocinclus.
It's a 20 gallon planted tank, with a keyhole cichlid, green neons, corydoras, and otocinclus.