110L Starting From New Set Up And Stock


Fish Herder
Feb 20, 2011
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hey so at the minute i only have about 30 cherry shrimp in my 110L and a heap of java moss i want to start over with new fish and new set up ( but keeping the sand) i have a all pond solutions 1000 external filter running

does anyone no what i could put in this tank ? and maybe give it a crack at breeding

Depending on what fish you get they may eat you shrimp which will be an expensive meal to you
If you want to keep the shrimp then maybe trying to breed some small cory species, pitbull plecs or some micro rasbora such as chilies would be possible. I'm not 100% but I don't think the sbrimp would eat the eggs and the shrimp should be safe from the fish.
i already have a tank for my galaxy rasboras :) so was maybe thinking if i can breed the rasboras i will use this tank as a fry tank and could give a go at breeding a small type cory then ??
i already have a tank for my galaxy rasboras :) so was maybe thinking if i can breed the rasboras i will use this tank as a fry tank and could give a go at breeding a small type cory then ??

I presume you would move if not all then most of the filter media in your smaller tank into your new external filter? If this is what you are going to do then there are plenty of choices available to you.
My current stocking list for my 120L tank is in my signature, best of luck with it :good:

i already have a tank for my galaxy rasboras :) so was maybe thinking if i can breed the rasboras i will use this tank as a fry tank and could give a go at breeding a small type cory then ??

I presume you would move if not all then most of the filter media in your smaller tank into your new external filter? If this is what you are going to do then there are plenty of choices available to you.
My current stocking list for my 120L tank is in my signature, best of luck with it :good:


the tank is already cycled it has been for a while now i just want a new set up and stocking :)
was thinking the habrosus cory ? how many could i keep in the 110L thanks for your help and opinions

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