10G Betta Stocking


Fish Crazy
Nov 10, 2013
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firstly, sorry if this is in the wrong section but im looking to get a nice blue male betta and will call him toffee, as im an Everton fc fan, and im just in need of your expert help on what else i can put in the tank, thanks, any ideas and help is greatly appreciated :)
Most will say shrimps and snails, but maybe some african dwarf frogs? Ive had mulitple bettas with guppies as well.
It depends on your betta's temperament. Some of them won't accept any tank-mates. I'd do shrimp and/or snails.
ADFs are best in species only tanks as they are easily outcompeted for food. Guppies are usually not good at all with bettas as usually one or the other gets nipped at.
You could maybe do a school of either pygmy, hastatus, or habrosus cories but again that will depend on if your betta is okay with tank mates or not.
Keep in mind having other fish in with him means you may have issues with him eating the other fishes food and this could cause health problems.
I have heard that it's a good idea to get the other fish first and let them settle in the tank then like a week later introduce the betta.
I was possibly thinking about Betta 3 nerite snails and a shoaling species ?
I'm with Mariah on this one - it totally depends on the character of the betta you get.
I've got snails and amano shrimp in with mine.
So depending on the fish behaviour could I keep some kind of shoaling fish with him like tetras? Or what else would be suitable?
Tetras need long tanks of 20G or more so they can swim properly so probably not a good idea.
I think it would be difficult to find a shoaling fish group that would be happy in a 10G tank tbh.
You'd need to pick something that will be comfortable in your tap water ph, hardness etc. So if you haven't already - test your tap water and search for suitable occupants.
Then take into account the temperature your betta will need i.e 78-86°F. Any tank mates would also need to be compfrtable at those temperatures.
However all this is academic until you see what the character of your yet to be purchased betta is like.
Your safest bet is the snail and shrimp approach if you must but bettas are quite happy on their own and don't need the company altho they do need something to keep them occupied.
If you haven't seen this yet - have a read:
Chili rasboras are a possible shoaling fish.
I have silk plants and correct decor ect, an airstone and a filter which does as movement to water but I can wuite easily adjust it and add floating plants and also remove airstone.
Do you have a heater? The only schooling fish other than the cories I listed would be micro fish like mosquito rasbora, neon green rasbora, celestial pearl danios, etc. I am not sure if the betta could eat them or not.

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