100l Sump? Refugium? Wet/dry?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2012
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So I have a 300L (C. 5'x18"x18") tank, currently running with Balas and Guppies, Minimally planted, water paramters are ok.

I have acquired (from a skip...) a fine old 120L (C. 4'x12"x12"). It's scratched and battered so not great as a display tank, I've never had a refugium, I've never had a sump. The 300L is near a large bay window, so a refugium appeals, and lower nitrates would be good, that said the windowsill is about the same height as the tank so lots of pumping...

I don't know if a sump is any use to me, my filtration is external, so's my heating, nothing in the tank except inlet and outflow pipes, so no equipment benefit to a sump, That said, some carbon or a nitrate filter maybe useful...

I'm open to anything but CHEAP is the key thing. If all else fails, I'll skip it.

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