Mostly New Member
Please help lol I'm having an anxiety attack. I have new tank syndrome,I had no idea how to start a tank and bought all the stuff and put fish in immediately. I had no clue there was a science to it and after googling I feel like giving up. I have 7 fish and a 10 gallon tank, I have two tiger barbs, 3 orange fish with black tails and I think two tetra, I had a betta before with just the tetra and it passed away, I had a bottom feeder fish that passed away after a few days of being put in the tank
I'm new to this and I feel really bad about it I'm so sorry. My Fish seem to be hanging around the very top and bottom of the tank, I did a full water change once which was a bad idea, but the water looks super cloudy and when the bottom feeder fish passed I figured a 75% change a few days ago would keep the others from passing away, I brought in a water sample to the pet shop and he said my nitrites or nitrates were super high and to do a 25% change tomorrow. I have no clue what I'm doing and my fish look Ill I dont want them to get sick or lose another one because I suck at life lol. Please guide me on what to do but please remember I'm new so if you can explain it step by step and in clear instructions, I tried reading other forums but everyone starts to stray away from the topic or they talk about the science and I get really confused
please for the health of my fish please helpI'm sorry for my run on sentences I'm just really freaked out lol and I care about the welfare of these fish I feel awful