zebra danios

  1. Y

    Help! Zebra danios terrorising newly-added neon tetras

    We have a tropical aquarium (24"x12"x12", internal Eheim filter) which until today had an angel, two zebra danios and a guppy. They were moved into this tank about a week ago and all seemed peaceful and settled. Today, we introduced 12 small neon tetras. We kept the lights and air pump off, but...
  2. Koish

    Needing Zebra Danios Breeding Advice

    I'm planning on breeding some zebra danios, and I have found that most resources recommend putting a large clump of java moss (or really any free floating plant) in the breeding tank. Do I have to put the java moss in, or will they still breed without it? Are there any alternatives? Any help...
  3. L

    Zebra Danios swim with nose to top

    I bought some Zebra Danios yesterday. Most are dead, but I've generally figured out what happened. 2 currently remain and I guess I have a question about their behavior. Fish A is a smaller one, the most energetic and will possibly be the last to survive. Fish B is bigger and less energetic...
  4. M

    Zebra Danio Breeding

    I am looking at Zebra Danios (as well as other species for a species only tank, but I want to learn a lot about each species) to keep them in a 20 gallon long. I want to know if they will breed on their own in the main tank without my influence. I will be feeding them live food + flakes, frozen...
  5. C

    Rotten (?) aquarium plants

    I've just gotten an aquarium around 15 days ago and I've plucked a few plants in there since the beginning. Some of them are fine, but others aren't. I was initially hoping that the "rotten" plants might cure themselves after some period of time, but I didn't see any improvements (at least it...
  6. B

    New with fish! Biorb 60lt zebrafish!

    Hello! I am new with fish! And I really need help! I just rescue a single survivor zebrafish, it seems there were 25 fish at first... all died due to negligence, so I decided to adopt the last one... i am gonna get a 60l biorb that a friend of mine is not using... I did some research and my...
  7. OnlyBear

    Zebra danios scaring all the other fish

    I am a new member to this forum and I would like to ask for your guy's help. have a 9.5 gallon tank in which I have 1 neon tetra, 3 glowlight tetras,1 black neon tetra and 2 zebra danios and 1 dwarf frog. I know the numbers aren't the best but hear me out. I use to have a tank where it was...
  8. J

    Stocking Tank Help

    Hey guys I am new to this site! I have a 29 gallon tall tank. It has been cycled and it is planted with anacharis! I have 7 Zebra Danios in it and I just recently added 6 Leopard Danios, for a total of 13 fish. I am wondering if this is to many fish for a 29 gallon tall tank? I hope not because...
  9. dhartIndy

    Filtration Question - Spawning

    I have recently had an explosion of spawning in my 20 gallon long freshwater tank. I found a free swimming panda cory (approx 3-5 weeks old i think), 12 more panda eggs, and about 6 free swimming zebra danio fry. The tank has an aquaclear 50 hob and a backup sponge filter and lots of plants. I...
  10. pirategrl

    Schooling Fish Getting Picked On

    I added 8 long finned zebra danios into my 55 gallon the other day.  This afternoon while watching the fish I noticed that one of them had his tail almost completely ripped off and one of his side fins as well.  He could barely swim.  I moved him into my 10 gallon quarantine tank and am treating...