
  1. elipilgrim

    Green Tiger Barb (Aggressive)/?'s

         Hey there everyone, I am fairly new to having a tank and only getting the initial cycling process near the end now.. It was a fish-in cycle, with a couple losses on the way but not many.      I have a 29 gallon tank with 3 plants in it at the moment. Here's a picture:      Inside are 8...
  2. M

    Pregnant Tiger Barb? Green Splodge On Glass?

    Hi, I am slightly panicking at the moment because I am unsure as to 2 things going on in my tank. Firstly my tiger barb is very fat and I'm almost 100% sure she's pregnant. However I have just noticed a green splodge about 1cm by 1cm with darker green dots in the middle on the side of the tank...
  3. J

    What To Do ?

    I replaced my tank with 5 new very small Tigers Barbs 8 weeks ago. Four of them have grown to almost twice the size they where,but one is still very small and seems to be struggling ?   What best to do ?