
  1. Circus

    Loach Hides?

    I can get terracotta pots for cheap enough locally, but do loaches (DCL, Yoyo, Dojo) prefer pvc pipes (seems to be what a lot of people suggest)? Do hardware stores (Lowes, Home Depot) cut them to size like they do wood pieces? I see that they sell long pvc pipes, but do not have the tools to...
  2. N

    Finally The 50G 2 Species Setup

    Hi All, Here's a few pics of my recent upgrade from a 29G to a 50G!  Any ideas on improving on what I have?  Currently there are 3 P. Acei and 3 Red Zebras.  The Acei I'm now realizing are 2 males and 1 female; the Red Zebras are all females and of course they (the 2 older) rule the land . ...
  3. simonero

    Dangers Of Terracotta?

    I've been reading everywhere that terracotta pots are a great aquascaping cave.   I asked my mom if I could have a few of hers to save money and she immediately started going on about how it was a bad idea and the wrong thing for a fish tank because of "oxidation and deterioration".  Granted...