
  1. N

    New AB Betta--temporary tank idea?

    Hi there, I currently have 2 5 gallon tanks set up about a month ago each housing one Betta and 3 ghost shrimp each. I have decided to start a 10 gallon low tech aquascape setup with 8 neon tetras, an aquabid male half moon, and a handful of cherry shrimp (myself like most people are OBSESSED...
  2. D34DLY

    Can I Temporarily Use This Lighting?

    Ok, so I have a 222litre tank on the way (possibly ready for collection this weekend). However the whole set-up (it's a vivarium and aquarium stand) is slowly reaching my budget. Thereby I need to begin to cut corners for now. Don't worry, the heater and filter etc. has not been scrimped on...