substrate change

  1. W

    Ammonia issues - desperate! Shall I replace substrate?

    Hi there I have been having ammonia issues (0.25-0.5) in our established planted 150litre tropical tank for about a month now. There is 0.5 ammonia in our tap water. To deal with this we have started waterchanging with RO water, but this hasn't made much of a difference. Our nitrates are also...
  2. S

    Adding more substrate - any risks?

    Hi I have a small (64L) aquarium that has been established for 4 years. It has black sand as the substrate but it is quite thin - only about 1.5" deep. I would like to add some more so that plants can be rooted more deeply so I have bought some Caribsea sand. No rinsing is appealing! If I...
  3. V

    Easier way to replace substrate?

    I'm changing my gravel substrate over to sand. I tried using a funnel, but the sand still ended up floating at the top, no better than before. My water also went cloudy, but that should go away in time. I scoop out the gravel with a net, then put it in a container to dump out later. I'm doing...
  4. V

    Can corydoras die from gravel?

    I have aquarium gravel, which I know isn't ideal, but I didn't think it could be problematic. Could it be the reason my cories are dying off? My water parameters check out fine, but I only have test strips. I'm getting a test kit later on today so then I'll know for sure if water quality is an...
  5. Barry Tetra

    Substrate and Blackwater setup questions

    Hi everyone, here’s the questions; 1. Is there anyway to move substrate from gravel to sand without moving any fishes? (Discus tank) 2. does play sand increase pH level? is this dangerous to discus and angel? 3. I always wanted to do Blackwater tank (inspired by @seangee post “back to black”)...
  6. G

    Substrate Problem, Fish in bags

    So I have recently started setting up my new 35G tank. The filter and cartridge are used, bacteria is still there. I bought a few fish, too. They are now in the bags they came with. I had forgotten to wash the substrate which was Flourite Dark Porous Clay and put it in the tank anyways. I have...
  7. I

    Substrate advice

    Hello everyone! Thanks for all your advice. I'm viewing a large 250-300L aquarium this weekend, and am planning to keep a mix of tropical fish in it. My goal is to have a well planted tank with several rocks and white sand, similar to how cichlid tanks often are, although with plants too...
  8. Paprikakitty

    Switching to Play Sand

    So after reading LOTS of posts it looks like I should switch from aquarium gravel to sand to protect my pandas’ barbels. We have lots of new play sand that we have NOT used in our sandbox yet. How should I prep it for my tank? Just wash it with tap water? Or should I throw it in some aquarium...
  9. V


    Hello, I've only gotten into tropical fish keeping about 3 months ago since I took over the family aquarium. In the aquarium at the moment is grey gravel with the odd bright coloured rock, it looks disgusting. I was thinking of switching to sand so I could put live plants in and also for looks...
  10. Ny82

    Changing From Gravel To Sand

    Hi, I just wanted some advice on the quickest and easiest way to change my substrate. I have a 95L tank with black gravel, due to me getting more cories I would like to put sand in.  Any suggestions as to what sand to use, colour, how much and of course how to change it with the least amount of...