
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. Jem123

    Male or female?

    Hi, new to keeping guppies. I thought all mine were male as wasn't planning to breed but suspicious this orange one may be female due to anal fin and male behaviour changes towards him/her. Thoughts please on the sex?
  2. xipo817

    I am confused with platy sex determination

    Recently I crossed blue tuxedo female and white mickey mouse male. After raising 1 month some of them showed slight tuxedo pattern and others not. And those showing tuxedo was male and others seemed female. So I thoght female was WY(Tuxedo) and male was YY. But thesedays those seemed female...
  3. J

    Please Help ID/Sex These New Peacocks

    Picked up a bunch of Peacock's today, except no.5 cant remember the species now for the life of me, but not too sure on the species of a few as they were all just labelled as "Assorted Peacocks", other than the OB's. Thinking all of them are males due to the pointed dorsals but if you could ID...
  4. M

    I can't tell if my platy is male or female?

    Hey, I recently got 4 platy and I had no idea about the live birth etc. So oooo........ Lol I definitely have 1 male and I'm pretty sure 2 females. There's one more but I can't tell if it's male or female. I'm trying to decide the best option to avoid having to deal with tonnes of fry...
  5. E

    Sexing GBRs

    Hi, does this look like a male and female?
  6. Vengified

    Guppies, unsure of behavior and sex?

    I'll put a little background first, as I am sure it would be asked: Recently, on Valentine' Day, my wife and I bought two Guppies (labeled as Cobra Guppies in the store), and a cherry shrimp for a small 3.5 gallon tank for my 4 year old, to see if he would like fish. We had the tank hidden...
  7. PrachiGupta

    Identify The Fish Please! Urgent

    Hi 2 months back i was given a bowl around 12 inches with 5g of waters with 2 blue fishes and 2 mollies. Lately i am been fascinated with this hobby and want to go for a bigger tank like 30g. As a beginner i found these blue fishes really cute and active. So wanto have a school of them. So...
  8. C

    What Sex Is This German Blue Ram?

    See the attached photos, it's all the same fish. Here's another
  9. H

    Sexing Jack Dempsey?

    Hello I have a 4 year old Jack dempsey currently residing in a 45 gallon corner tank, but I have yet to decide weather its a male or female, please help!
  10. J

    Gold Sevrum Male And Female?

    Are these male and fema just want to make sure. The one I think is male. The one I thinks female.
  11. BelldandyShanny

    New To Cichlids

    Hello everyone, it's been a while since my last post, my tank has been all changed around and now I have some questions.  After doing much research I decided to get a pair of German Blue Rams for my tank, and after looking and looking and looking, I finally found a pair marked as "blue ram" m...
  12. G

    Can Someone Tell Me The Sex Of My Fish Please?

    I have recently bought some cichlids, but do not know the sex of them. I was wondering if anyone could please help me out by telling me? 
  13. A

    Please Help Me To Identify The Gender Of My Molly! (Photo)

    Hi,   Please help me to identify the gender of my Molly bought last week, I'm new into hobby, LPS did not know if it was male or female! Thanks  
  14. David J

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Hi I've just bought 2 bolivian rams at the weekend. I have tried to get one male and one female but as I'm sure some of you know, it's not all that easy. Here is a pic. The best pic I've managed to get tonight that shows them reasonably close and you can see their vents. I will try for more...
  15. LiamGoodaire

    Help Me! Questions To Ask! Issues To Resolve!

    Maybe this thread isn't as important as the title implies so firstly my apologies for that. The reason behind the thread is to help resolve some issues I have which have been mentioned in individual threads previously but suffered from lack of attention so I'm putting them all together! Ill...